"Well, the first demon I fought was when I was 8. Though that was a lesser demon that hadn't eaten in a while. I honestly should have died that day," I explained. 

She looked at me as though I grew a second head. "You've been fighting demons since 8-years-old!? What kind of parent lets their child do that!?"

"Let's just say that my parent never knew. I doubt they'd care if they did though," I explained. I could tell that I ruined the mood and decided to get the conversation onto a different topic. "So what about you? Are you a sorcerer too?" 

She looked at me confused "Sorcerer?"

I began to explain since maybe she's new to magic. "I mean how long have you been using magic?" 

She looked at me with a puzzled expression and said, "What are you talking about? Magic doesn't exist."  

"Wait. What do you think those chains were?" 

"That was your quirk wasn't it?"

I looked at her for a moment before raising my hand and saying "Erif," making a small fire in my hand. 

She was shocked and I decided to explain, "This isn't a quirk. It's magic." Then another idea came to me, "So you mean to tell me that you're fighting demons without magic? Just a crucifix and a bible?" 

"Yes, I don't need anything else do I?" she asked. 

"Well no. Technically you don't need anything else if you're just fighting demons but it'd be better to have a backup. Even if it's just in case." 

"Well, what would you recommend?" she asked. 

"Hm, follow me," I said as I began to lead us. 

After a few minutes of walking, she asked, "Where are we going?" 

"Where I buy most of my fancy tools," I said. 

We made our way into an alley. When we were by a wall I checked both ways to see if anyone is looking at us. When I saw no one was I touched the brick wall and said "Laever eht htap." 

Suddenly the wall shined for a moment and when it dimmed there was a door there in its place. We entered the place to see a small shop. Inside there were books, jars of odd items, random glowing rocks, and many different small statues of odd figures, and that's just to name a few. "Welcome to the unseen world." 

She looked around at all the oddities of the shop and asked, "What is this place?" 

"This is a shop owned by an artificer, someone who makes magical items, and it's a good place to get anything you need."

We then spend the next hour looking around the shop and found her some defensive items. We found some wrist guards that create a powerful shield when put together and can launch devastating attacks when punching with intent to harm. 

A/N: Not my image

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A/N: Not my image.

"What are these?" 

"Their wrist guards," I explained. She looked at me as if asking if I thought she was stupid. I rolled my eyes and said "Put your hands like this," while making an X shape with my hands. 

She followed my movements and made a golden shield in front of her. "Woah!" she said startled. 

"Yep, that should protect you from any demons you might face," I explained. While she was checking out her new gear I grabbed her arm and said "Make sure you don't use those in front of anyone unless necessary. People can't know about magic." 

"Why?" she asked. 

I sighed and began to explain after releasing my grip on her, "A skilled mage can use their magic to summon things from different realms. One of the easiest to summon from is Hell." 

"You speak as though you have experience," she said in an almost accusatory tone. 

My eyes turned down and I explained, "I was young and dumb. Thought I was top of the world and was quickly taught a lesson. Painfully," I explained quickly showing a claw mark along my shoulder. She gasped at the sight and I continued "I know better than to mess with that kind of magic now. I'd rather no one else make my mistakes." 

She looked like she wanted to say something but decided against it. We went up to the front and I paid for it. She tried to stop me and pay for it herself but I rejected the idea saying "I'd prefer to make sure you're safe if you're going to continue hunting demons." 

We left the shop and began on our separate ways and before we could fully split up I turned back and called her name, "Shiozaki!" When she turned around I continued "If you plan to continue your research into this please be careful." 

She smiled at me and said, "Don't worry, I will," before leaving. 

We parted ways and I decided to head home. As I walked home I thought about everything I've been doing and I realized I haven't been taking this magic stuff seriously since I left the Yagis. Fighting demons is one thing. Fighting villains is another. I need to be prepared in case one of them finds my home. There's also the problem of the Yagis. It'd be best to set up some traps and wards. My house is too small for that though. Maybe I should use that space distortion spell I've been thinking about?  

A/N: Yup Ibara is a fellow exorcist! She's relatively new and doesn't know as much about the magical side of the world, but with the help of Izuku, she might just learn a thing or two. One more note. I don't plan for this to be an Izuku x Ibara ship. I just don't feel like making that. Also sorry if the writing in this isn't up to par. I think I'm experiencing some writer's block. Anyway, hope you enjoyed it! 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2022 ⏰

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