Five Years Time

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Izuku POV

It's been 5 years since I left the Yagi's house. In that time I've been calling it the Yagi household, not home, never home. In the time since leaving, I got a job as an info broker. Divination spells make it easy for me to do reconnaissance on just about everyone. Most people don't have any warding spells to protect their privacy. Before quirks magic was only used by the outsiders of society. Since quirks came about almost no one uses magic anymore. The only people who use magic a lot is the church and they mainly use it to exorcise demons and fight monsters.

In the time since moving into my new apartment the water, gas, and electricity have all gone out. Luckily I learned how to get around that with magic. A spell to make water, create heat, and power devices make up for everything. The only thing I have to do now is buying groceries.

I've also made a habit of cleaning up the beach every day. I cleaned a little by little every day until recently I completely cleaned it. Ever since I'd always just sit there and watch the waves whenever I have the chance. Besides that, I go to the library and teach myself everything I need to know. I finished where I should be for middle school and began high school work. Though the most progress I've had is in my magic.

Improving my body and mind made my magic much more powerful. I've taken on a good few villains and fought magical creatures. I've only ever gone after magical entities that abuse their power or threaten to reveal the magical world. Quirks were more than enough to shake the world, I don't want to think about what would happen if the world learned about magic.

In my 5 years, I've made a name for myself in both the magical and non-magical communities. Magical beings know I'm powerful and tend to protect humanity from them but other than that I let them do what they want. In the normal world, I'm called a vigilante. People started calling me Wizard, or just Wiz for short. I also met Eraserhead while out at night. It kind of threw him for a loop when I could still use my "quirk" despite his being on me. We've grown a sort of friendship since then. He's a good hero, one worth looking up to.

There's only one part of the past few years that caused me to fall into a depression for a while. I got curious about what was happening with the Yagis and I spied on them with a divination spell and found out who my dad really is and his quirk. He had a quirk he could pass on all this time and didn't do anything to help me.

It took me a while to get over that. I was neglected and abused because I'm quirkless and he had the power to help me but didn't. My faith in heroes crumbled for a while until my meeting with Eraserhead and him proved that not all heroes are bad.

I also forgave Izumi. I got curious one day and wanted to understand why she bullied me. When I looked through her memories I understood. It was stupid but it's the logic of a 9-year-old so I can't fault her for that. While I forgave Izumi, my hatred of the Bakugous increased. They caused all my bullying.

In the time I've been on my own I've also learned more about my magic. What I've learned is that it's weird. The actual magic itself doesn't seem to apply to the rules of physics as we know them, but the effect the magic has on the world does. When I summon a fire into my hand the fire is just there, no spark, no ignition, no fule besides my own mind and magic. Not to mention that I can hold the fire spell in my hand without fear of it burning me. While this doesn't make a lot of sense I have a theory. Magic doesn't follow the laws of our own universe, but what if it's following the laws of another. What if whenever I use magic, I'm temporarily following the laws of a different universe, one with very different laws of physics than my own. If that's the case, magic is less of me creating fire, and more of me borrowing it from somewhere else and bringing it here. I'm probably going to have to look into this more but now is not the time.

I shook my head and got myself ready. Now is no time to reminisce. I need to prepare for the UA exam. 

A/N: I tried my best to explain magic in this chapter. If you didn't understand I'll do my best to explain it again here. Magic doesn't follow the rules of our universe, it follows the rules of a different universe. The magic itself is something from outside our world, the effect it has on our world is what's subjected to our laws of physics. If you have any more questions please don't be afraid to ask. 

Also one other thing. Please recommend some monsters, and spirits for Izuku to fight. I plan for him to be a monster hunter of sorts. Similar to John Constantine if you know who I'm talking about. Any and all suggestions are welcome. 

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