Exams and Friends, Both Old and New

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Izuku POV

Today was the day. The day of the UA entrance exam. In the months before going there, I decided to learn some nonverbal magic. Telekinetic and teleportation magic. Nothing too fancy but it should be good enough to let me pass the exam. I considered changing my appearance, just in case I encountered the Yagis or Bakugous, but decided against it. I'm stronger now. I've fought against monsters, demons, and ghosts. It doesn't help the anxiety though. 

Even fighting against all those monsters, the image of the Bakugous beating me still haunts my dreams. I knew what this was. I knew ever since the nightmares started.  

As I continued my walk I began to worry that Eraserhead would recognize me. We'd been meeting every few nights for the better part of a year. I abandoned these thoughts when I remembered that I used illusion spells to change my hair and eye color. To him, I have black hair and brown eyes. Not the best illusion, but it was the best I could think of when we first met and he was trying to capture me. Ever since then I just decided to stick with it. 

I stopped thinking about the past when I looked up to notice the gates of UA and smiled to myself. I'm going to be a legal hero. I wasted no time in getting into the exam hall and taking the seat in the darkest part of the back of the room. Even if I'm not going to hide with illusions, I still don't want to be spotted yet. 

Soon after that thought, I noticed her. Izumi. Even though I'd forgiven her a long time ago I still don't want to deal with her. She'd shown up in a plethora of my nightmares before. The more I looked at her the more of my nightmares I started to remember. It eventually got to the point where I could feel the beatings as if they were happening right then and there. 

It wasn't until I felt a hand on my shoulder that I remembered where I was. Looking at who touched me I saw a pink-skinned girl looking at me. Her eyes were yellow with black sclera. She looked at me worried and asked "Hey are you okay?" 

Taking a moment to calm down I said "Yeah, thank you." 

She sat next to me and said "Yeah I know the exam can be a bit scary and nerve-wracking." 

Oh, that's what she thinks I'm worried about. "Y-yeah. I prepared and trained a lot but it's still a bit nerve-wracking to think that I'm actually here." 

"It's okay! I'm sure you'll do amazing!" she said excitedly. "My name's Mina Ashido, what's yours?" 

"Izuku Yagi," I said extending my hand for a handshake. When she shook my hand I continued "Pleasure to meet you." 

We weren't able to continue our conversation due to Present Mic coming into the room and yelling out that the exam was about to commence. We waited until Ectoplasm started sending out clones to pass out papers. When everyone had their tests ready we waited until Present Mic said "Go!" to begin. 

I was already prepared for most of the exam questions. I was already at high school level education since I began teaching myself. When I was done I flipped back to the front to double-check my work. When I got to the front I quietly whispered to myself "Laever ot em eht srewsna." 

I know this is technically cheating but I already did the test and this was just a double check to see if I messed anything up. Looking back I saw that I had most of everything correct. Only a few questions were wrong and I decided to leave them wrong so it doesn't look like I cheated. 

When I was done I looked over to Mina to see her struggling. Looking at her test I saw that she was still only on the second page of five and many of the answers were wrong. I could already tell that she was not going to pass this test if this is how she was doing. I was going to leave her to her own devices and hope for the best for her but I decided that I should do something. She's the only person who decided to help me when I was thinking about my past. 

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