Moving Out

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Izuku POV

When the excitement from last night dissipated and I calmed down I ended up falling asleep in the trash piles. When I woke up it was the next day, Sunday. I just got up and started walking back home, crawling back in through the windows; something I've developed a habit of. I picked up some of the sparse clothing I had in my room along with a towel and went downstairs to take a shower. Luckily everyone was asleep so I didn't have anything to worry about.

I sat in the shower and felt the memories of yesterday return. They didn't even notice I was gone. They just celebrated Izumi's birthday and completely forgot about me. I tried my best to not cry. I don't want to cry, not for them, but I couldn't stop the tears from rolling down my face. I tried to think of something happy to calm myself. It's kind of funny that I can't think of anything good about my family. The best I got is my memories of the first time I used magic, fighting that demon, and saving that girl.

I took my shower, finally calling down, and was about to leave the bathroom when I had a thought. Could I use magic to teleport? I took a minute to prepare myself and began the spell "Ot ym moor." The world seemed to fade around me. Without me knowing it was really me that faded out of existence in the bathroom, before fading back into my room.

That was so... COOL! I had a mini freak out before calming myself. I put on my clothes and decided I needed to test this out some more. It was still Sunday so I had time to kill. I took a moment to brainstorm and decided to test one question I had. How specific do I have to be? I readied myself for the feeling of teleportation before "Ekat em ot eht hcaeb."

The same fade out of existence happened and when the world came back and I was at the beach. It felt so disorienting but it was still so cool! I could teleport! I guess I shouldn't be surprised, logomancy is very powerful magic. Looking around I could see no one on the beach so I began to train myself, lifting and moving trash of various sizes.

While I'm moving trash I start to think about my life. I'm already 9 years old and I've already fought a villain and a demon, and I'm still alive. How's that for a quirkless Deku? The more I thought about it, the more alone I felt. Cooking for myself and putting the clothes on my own back. I do more for myself than my own parents. The only thing they've ever provided for me is a house and education. Not that they spent that much on either. My room is bare and I've had to teach myself since my teachers never bothered to.

The more I think about it the more I realize I don't need them. It'd actually be better for me if I ran away. I wouldn't have to deal with Izumi and Bakugous' bullying, I could take care of myself without having to be afraid of my parents, I already know I can teach myself, and most importantly I could practice magic without having to worry about the Yagis learning the truth. The only problem is how am I going to find a place to live?

Even if I did have money I couldn't buy a house with it. No one would sell a house to a 9-year-old and age or illusion spells would only last so long before becoming permanent or losing effect. The best I can hope for is somewhere abandoned where no one's around to question the presence of a 9-year-old.

I decided to try one spell I learned when I was 8, a locator spell. All I need to do is specify what I want to look for and I should be able to find it. With my hopes high I sat down and whispered "Etacol denodnaba emoh." I could sense a few locations in my mind, but I wanted to see if I could find something better, or at least something with water and electricity still on.

"Etacol denodnaba emoh htiw yticirtcele dna retaw." I could feel the number of locations available decrease by a lot. When I found one I muttered "Ekat em ereht." Opening my eyes I found myself in a place I've never been before.

I moved around and started checking the place. It's only about the size of an apartment. The electricity and water were still on and the place wasn't in that bad of shape. I went outside to take a look at the place and I immediately understood why this place is abandoned. This place was the remnant of a villain attack and almost half of the entire apartment complex is burnt black. I remember that this place had only just been built before closing.

I started to walk around and found the neighborhood to be mostly ok. No one seemed to pay any mind to the 9-year-old wandering the place. I could see a few people that were a bit sketchy, but they mostly kept to themselves. I walked around for a bit before going back and whispering to myself, "This place is perfect!" I could just live here. I only need a few things from my room and I can probably just teleport them here.

When I'm done taking a look at the place I teleport back to the library and start looking up a spell to take me and my stuff to the apartment. After some quick online research, I teleport back to my room and prepare. To take things with me when teleporting, all I need to do is specify what I want to take beforehand. When I've specified everything I want to take with me I begin, "Gnirb em dna lla ym ylhtrae sgnignoleb ot ym wen emoh." That spell in specific is kind of difficult since it's so long but I managed to get it right after a few tries.

I watched as the world around me began to fade away, the only thing staying is what I specified. When the world faded back in, I was at the apartment. I looked around and took a breath and started moving everything around to where I wanted it. When I was done I looked around one last time before turning in for the night "Home sweet home." 

A/N: Yeah Izuku's so mature that he can live on his own with just his magic at the age of 9. Isn't that nice? Also sorry for not posting for a while. I've just hit a time of extreme tiredness in my life and couldn't think of anything to add to my stories. I'm still here though! I don't plan on leaving anytime soon. 

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