Meeting the Family

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Izumi POV

Playing with my new All Might action figure I remembered yesterday fondly. I got to spend time with mom and dad and we had mom's homemade cake. It was perfect. Well, almost perfect. Something was missing now that I think about it. I tried hard to think back to yesterday, what was missing? Then it hit me, Izuku! He's never missed our birthday before. I got out of bed and went downstairs to see mom and dad sitting at the table eating breakfast. There's a plate of waffles for me and two more plates for mom and dad. Only three plates? Did Izuku leave for school already?

"Mom. Dad. Did Izuku leave for school already?"

"I don't know. I haven't seen him yet. So probably not. Maybe he's in the shower."

Mom didn't seem so sure even as she said that. I decided to take a look to see if he was in there and ask him why he didn't come for our birthday. He wasn't there. I continued looking around and couldn't find anything. When I finally came downstairs it was about time to go to school. I didn't get to eat breakfast but I'm not worried about that. I'm more worried about Izuku.

Contrary to popular belief, I don't hate Izuku. When Katsumi, Katsuki, and I were young, Izuku always said he wanted to be a hero. I always looked up to that. Even when he was diagnosed quirkless I still thought he was amazing. He always tried to help others, even when they didn't want it. The problems started when Katsuki started to get jealous. Izuku had the heart of a hero while he didn't. He started to bully Izuku and he got Katsumi in on it too.

I never wanted to bully him but they threatened to hurt him more if I didn't. I was so scared, I could probably hold my own against Katsuki or Katsumi, but not both of them! I stayed with them to make sure they didn't take it too far, but now I'm scared. What if they did something to him!

I went from walking to school to almost running. I know Katsuki, he wouldn't seriously hurt Izuku... Right? I ran to school and could feel my heart pounding. What if he's hurt? I know Izuku can hold his own. He's never been one to take a beating lying down. He's smart and fast. If someone wanted to hurt him they'd have to catch him first, and if they did hurt him... They'll have to deal with me!

When I got to school I didn't see Izuku anywhere. I was about to ask Katsuki if he saw him when he came up and asked me that. I'm confused. Didn't he do something to him? I only got more worried. If Katsuki didn't do something to him then why isn't he here? I spent the entire day worried, trying to convince myself that he's okay. I wasn't doing a very good job.

The second the final bell rang I ran off towards my house. Along the way I checked every alley, hoping that I'd find him okay. When I got home I immediately went into his room. I desperately hoped that I'd find him there. I don't care if he yells at me, I deserve it after everything I did. I opened the door and was shocked. The entire room is empty. Not only was he not here, but none of his stuff was either.

Panic and fear dominated my thoughts. Izuku's gone and all his stuff is gone too. How did I never hear anything? Moving all this stuff can only be done with movers. I didn't notice when mom and dad came upstairs. I only heard their shocked gasp as they looked upon Izuku's empty room.

Everything after that felt like a blur. Before I knew it, the police were at our house and a detective friend of my dad's asked me to explain everything. I explained everything I knew about Izuku, including the Bakugous and I bullying him and why I did it. I don't remember anything after that besides the same thought running through my head. "It's all my fault." 

A/N: I tried to make Izumi somewhat sympathetic to her brother. She did this because she thought she was helping him. All the while she had no clue about what was happening with him at home. Too focused on herself to notice his silent cries. I'm not sure if I did a good job, but remember that they're still 9 at this point so it's not like they're that smart. 

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