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Izuku POV

It took me a while to finally get to sleep. Once I did I slept like the dead. When I woke up it was already noon. I spent the rest of the day making wards around my house. The only wards I made around my house as of yet were anti-scrying wards and demonic protection wards. Now that I've met the Yagis again I need to make sure that they won't be able to find me. 

I walked outside and said, "Tcetorp siht esuoh morf lla ohw hsiw ot ssecca ti tuohtiw noissimrep." The house glowed for a moment before fading. 

When that was done I left to go find something to do. On my way, I felt an ominous presence coming from an abandoned house. I don't know if it's just the house looking scary or if there's actually something in there. On the other side of the street, I looked at the house and whispered "Laever cinomed ecneserp," and could sense something inside. 

I wasted no time in crossing the street and entering the property. With a quiet whisper of "kcolnu," the door opened and I entered. While in the house I made sure to keep my guard up and a hand on my rosary. I know better than to expect this to go well. 

I heard a noise come from the kitchen. Being prepared I got ready to cast a spell as soon as needed. I walked into the kitchen, got to the door, and flung it open holding my rosary up to ward off whatever was inside. Inside, instead of finding a demon, I found a girl with green vine hair holding a bible in one hand with a crucifix in the other. 

"Who are you?" we both asked at the same time. 

We didn't get the chance to continue this conversation since we heard something on the second floor of the house. I put a finger to my lip in a feature indicating silence and she nodded. We both made our way inside and claimed the staircase. The stairs creaked with every step, giving away our position. 

When we got to where the sound was located I opened the door to find nothing but an empty room. The room looked to be a master bedroom with a large mirror in the corner. Neither of us dropped our guard even though we couldn't see anything. Nothing happened until I got near the mirror and saw something in the reflection that doesn't match reality. There was a third person in the room.  

Suddenly they ran to the mirror and jumped through it. It landed on me and I could see what it looked like. It looked like a humanoid cloud of gas with sharp jagged teeth. I tried to push it off but I just passed through its mist-like body. I tried to cast a spell but its hand was clamped on my mouth preventing me from casting anything. 

Suddenly a bible smacked the demon off me and I rolled to the side away from it. Looking up I saw the plant-haired girl holding the bible. I looked back at the demon to see it got itself together again and was going to attack us again. Before it could I pointed my hand at it and yelled "Yloh gnidnib sniahc!" 

Suddenly chains of golden light came out and bind the demon to the wall. The plant girl, wasting no time, began reading a passage from the bible. The demon thrashed and thrashed before it suddenly exploded in a mass of smoke, circling into a single point before disappearing. 

We both stayed there still on guard for a moment before we looked at each other in silence. This awkward silence felt like it wasn't going to end before I decided to break it "Thanks for the save." 

"You are welcome. Also nice work with the chains," she commented, extending a hand to help me up. 

"Thanks," I replied as I grabbed her hand and pulled myself up. "Izuku Yagi," I said shaking her hand. 

"Shiozaki Ibara," she replied. 

We left the now demon-free house and continued to talk about the experience we had. "So how long have you been hunting demons," she asked. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2022 ⏰

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