The first song transitioned into the next, and the night continued on like that. Olivia swaying against her girls while Spencer stood posted up against the wall, watching on with his teammates.

"I'm going to grab some water," Olivia yelled over the music once she felt her throat getting dry from belting along to the lyrics. At first, her friends didn't understand, but then she mimicked taking a sip from an imaginary cup, and they shot her a thumbs up.

"Be safe," Rina called after her as she pushed her way out of the crowd.

Finding some breathing room away from the thick air of the living room, she lingered by the counter, anticipating that a certain someone would follow after her. But after a minute of pretending to scroll through her phone, it was still only her and a trio of drunk underclassmen in the grimy kitchen.

"Where is there water in this place," she muttered under her breath as she scrunched her face at the half empty solo cups scattered along the counter.

"I think I can help you find some," she heard a smooth voice behind her. Not the voice she was hoping to hear, but she now knew for sure that he couldn't be far behind.

"Ugh, thank you," she turned to find Nick Harrison, the basketball team's freshman point guard, devouring her with his eyes. "It's always so hard to find something that doesn't look like it will poison you at these parties."

"No worries," he winked.

"She's good, homie," another voice came up behind her. He must have taken the longer path to get to the kitchen.

"She don't look too happy to me," Nick replied, catching Olivia's eye roll. "But it's all good, she will be soon. I got her."

"I said back off," Spencer's voice lowered as his arm came around her and slipped a cold water bottle into her hand.

"Man, who do you think you are," Nick brushed him off, holding his hand out to Olivia.

While most athletes on campus knew each other, the young basketball player hadn't gotten around to meeting Spencer. "Let's go, shawty."

"Her name's not shawty, and you better leave her alone," Spencer stepped around Olivia.

"Chill, man," Nick backed up as his sense of fear finally kicked in.

"Spencer," Olivia sighed as she reached for his arm.

"You ever see her out again, and I'm not with her, you keep a steady 50 feet away from her. You understand me?"

"No girl's worth all that, damn. You can have her," Nick held his hands up, trying to keep his voice steady, but Olivia could see the panic in his face as he tried to identify a clear exit path. It was slowly dawning on the freshman that Spencer had a couple extra years of college workouts on him.

Olivia knew Spencer wouldn't hurt him since she was now safely behind him, but she figured she'd save Nick the heart attack.

"Spencer!" she yelled once he had Nick backed into the corner. "Stop."

"You're lucky she's here," Spencer muttered, stepping back.

"Enough," Olivia felt him relax under her grip as she pulled him into a back hallway. "I don't appreciate you starting fights on my behalf."

"I don't appreciate you acting all helpless in front of men. You could have come to me," he shot back.

"You were too busy acting like Mr. Tough Guy out there," she spat.

"Because you won't fucking talk to me, Liv," he flung his arms up. After a week of radio silence, he was officially over her antics.

"You missed the dance banquet," she argued, quick to point out what had started this whole mess.

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