You're Not Careful So I Still Take Care Of You

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Everything hurt, your legs were screaming at you to stop moving just for a second, you couldn't feel your arms and your head was pounding, you're probably wondering how you even got in this condition, well considering you live in the lanes fights are very very common, some asshole was catcalling you and making very inappropriate comments towards you, and of course instead of feeding into his bullshit you just flipped him off and went on with your night. What you didn't know was he had a bunch of friends with him and before you could look back you were jumped by the asshole and his friends they beat you down to the floor before you could even register what exactly happened. Eventually once they were all done with you they left you in an alleyway bleeding out from almost everyone but you somehow managed to get up and make it to Caitlyn's place, the one person who you knew would take you in on a time a like this.

After a very long and painful walk to Caitlyn's big fancy house you knocked on her window while she let you in with a very worried look on her face. "What the hell happened y/n?!?" she almost screamed but stopped herself and fixed her tone. "Some asshole and his friend making inappropriate comments towards me and jumping me." You say coldly. Caitlyn then grabs your arm carefully not to hurt you and leads you to the bathroom, "sit" the bluenette said while she pointed to the toilet, you did as told moving slowly in order not to hurt yourself any further. "Stay here, don't move I'll be right back." You nodded in understanding while watching her leave back to her bedroom and quickly coming back with a first-aid kit, a rag and a bottle of rubbing alcohol. Caitlyn then put some of the rubbing alcohol on the rag "This is going to sting try to stay still and I'll try to make this quick" she said with a small smile trying to reassure you the women then applied pressure on all the cuts and wounds she could find on your body trying to quickly clean them.

"There you go, try not to mess with any of your wounds they need to heal" she said, "are you okay? Anything else that's wrong?" The bluenette asked. "No I think I'm okay for now thank you Caitlyn seriously." She looks up at you with a small smile as she puts her stuff away. "Don't mention it, please just be careful I know it's hard in the undercity but I hate seeing you hurt Y/n" she said as she gave you a kiss on your temple then your lips. "I promise I'll try to be more careful Cait." She then picked you up and carried you to her bed "you need to rest you can stay here for the night if you want and I'd prefer if you did." She explains. "I'll stay." You said smiling at her, "Alright let me get you some clothes to change into" "you nodded as you sat on her bed waiting". "Here these are pretty comfortable, do you need help getting undressed?" "No I think I'm okay" you assure her "alright we'll go change and afterwards come back so we can sleep" you nodded as you headed to the bathroom to change. Once you finish changing you come back to bed to see Cait's eyes flutter open from your presence. "Come lay down I'm tired and I'm sure you are too." She says while looking at you. You go and lay down while she puts her arm around you and cuddles her head into your neck, "I love you Cait." "I love you too."

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