45. Doubts and World Cup Arrival

Start from the beginning


August 17th, 2014

"Hey Effy, can I ask you something?" Ron asked while I was sitting on his bed scrolling through my phone as he was trying to pick a shirt for the day

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"Hey Effy, can I ask you something?" Ron asked while I was sitting on his bed scrolling through my phone as he was trying to pick a shirt for the day.


"Why do you wear that bracelet? The blue one. I noticed that you used to wear it every night and now not so much." He explained pulling a random t-shirt on over the long sleeve shirt he was already wearing. I awkwardly looked between him and the bracelet.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want too." He said immediately, sensing my uneasiness

"No, no I don't mind. Um when I was younger, the organization that trained me. They would cuff us to our beds when we slept and for a while I couldn't sleep without something around my wrist so Fury got me this. The organization told us the cuffs where for our safety so I used to think that if I didn't have it on, something bad would happen." I explained and he looked at he horrified.

"Like handcuffs?! Who the hell treats children that way?! That's completely barbaric!" He scoffed an I shrugged. While his anger was justified, I couldn't really be angry about the handcuffs anymore, I'd sort of gotten of that part compared to everything else I'd been through.

"I guess, I thought they kept us safe but really, they just kept us from running away in the night. And when I found that out I stopped wearing the bracelet every night but I still need it sometimes." I explained looking at the bracelet on my wrist with a sigh.

"How can those people just get away with that?! They can't just treat guys like...like-"

"Soliders?" I offered getting up to stand right in front of him and he nodded grabbing my hands.

"I trust you, you know?" He asked with a sad smile that I matched almost immediately.

"I know." I sighed hugging him as he
wrapped his arms around me. His familiar sent of the fresh baked cookies and the cologne I'd gotten him for Christmas that had a sort of cinnamon spice smell, surrounded me.

"Come on, I'm sure mum's made breakfast by now." He mumbled with a smile before pulling away from the hug and lacing our fingers together as he pulled me out of the room.


"Fred, I love you I do but this is disgusting." Ginny gagged handing me the smoothie Fred made.

"What's wrong with it?" I asked confused as Fred looked at me hopefully.

"I'm trying here Gin! Effy can you try it?" He asked an I nodded taking a sip before immediately pushing the cup into his hands and shaking my head.

"Did you put salt in this?" I asked wiping my tongue with a napkin and he shook his head.

"No, who puts salt in a smoothie? I used this." He said pointing to the container of salt an I smiled at him before gesturing to the jar of sugar.

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