"Let's go!" Flo cheers, just as the ride starts to slowly move forward.

It's slow until we get to the first drop and the ride suddenly jerks forward, dropping down harshly.

I scream in joy and put my hands in the air with Florence.

I look to Scarlett who also seems to be enjoying it.

The ride spins and I hear someone swear behind me.

I look to see Rachel looking absolutely petrified and David laughing at her.

I enjoy the rest of the ride, screaming with Flo and Scarlett the whole time.

Once it's finished, I shoot out of the cart, bouncing around on the deck next to the ride.

"Another! Another!" I cheer as Scar and Flo join me.

"I think Rachel needs a break." Flo snorts, looking at Rachel who was pale as a ghost.

David was still laughing at her while helping her out of the cart.

"Oh fuck of Harbour." Rachel mutters, just loud enough for me to hear.

"Woah, language Rach!" Scar teases, making Rachel glare at her too.

"I think I'll sit the next one out." Rachel grabs David to keep herself from falling over.

"Let's go!" I cheer, grabbing Flo's hand and pulling her to the next ride.


After a day at the theme park I was exhausted.

We we're eating dinner at the park and I was sitting on Rachel's lap while she fed me chips as I was too tired to eat.

Once I had enough, I tuned my head onto Rachel's chest and closed my eyes as she held me close.

Rachel's POV

I look down to see Y/N fast asleep on me.

She's honestly so adorable, how can her parents not want to spend time with her?

I get the others attention and gesture to the sleeping girl, making them all coo.

"That's adorable." Scarlett coos, getting her phone out and taking a photo.

"She's so tired, bless." David whispers, stealing one of my chips.

"We should head back, it's getting late." I suggest.

Everyone agrees and we all throw our rubbish in the bin before walking to the exit.

I carry Y/N as she is very small, letting her wrap her legs around my middle.

We aren't far from the exit before I see a phone flash.

Oh great.

I look to see a group of people taking photos of us.

The others have clearly seen too as they come closer to me, quickening there pace.

Can't the paparazzi leave us alone for one god dam day?

They start to get closer and shout things and I feel Y/N shift slightly in her sleep.

I shush her gently as we try to get around the growing group of people.

"Can we please get through." I hear Scarlett asks, trying to be polite.

The cameras continue to click as I hold Y/N tighter.

"Hey! Move away!" David raises his voice slightly as a man tries to make a grab at me and Y/N.

"Don't touch her." I seethe, throwing a jumper over Y/N to hide her face from the flashes. It's a miracle she's still asleep, but I'm not complaining.

"Can you move." I hear Flo ask a woman with a large camera. "We just want to get back."

I see security come to help up which we are all thankful for as they give us enough time to get out of the park.

"That was a bit hectic." Flo comments as Scarlett unlocks the car.

"There so invasive." Scarlett says bitterly as she gets in the drivers seat.

"You can take the front Flo. I'll sit with Y/N in the back." I suggest, opening the back door.

"Did she sleep through that whole thing?" David asks, a tone of amusement in his voice.

"She did." I chuckle lightly, removing the jumper from Y/N's sleeping body as I place her on her booster seat and strap her in.

"Harbour. Your in the boot." I tell him as I sit in the back next to Y/N.

"How nice." He jokes, climbing over the seats to the boot seats.

Y/N sleeps for the whole cat ride, the day must have really tired her out.

She only wakes up once Scarlett has dropped me and Y/N of at my house and Daniel is laying her on the bed while I have a shower.

Daniel's POV

Rachel and Y/N had just got back from the theme park and Rachel had asked me to put Y/N to bed while she has a shower.

I'm laying the sleeping girl on her bed, after removing her shoes, when I see her eyes flutter open and she looks around slightly confused.

"Look who's awake." I get her attention softly.

She smiles cutely at me. "Hi Daniel." She yawns tiredly.

"Did you have a good day?" I ask as she rubs her eyes, clearly still tired.

"Mmhh." She nods, scrambling into my lap and laying on my chest.

"Wanna sleep with you and Ray-Ray." She mumbles, tiredly.

I sigh in defeat, lifting the small girl up and bringing her to mine and Rachel's room, laying her on the bed before climbing in next to her and waiting for Rachel.

A few minutes later Rachel comes out of the bathroom in her pyjamas and smiles at Y/N who was sleeping again, curled up next to me.

"She woke up and asked if she could sleep with us." I explain in a whisper as Rachel climbs in her side of the bed.

"She has you wrapped around her little finger." Rachel teases, laying down and turning of the light.

I feel Y/N move to curl up next to Rachel.

"Night, love." I kiss her gently, laying down.

"Night, babe." Rachel whispers back, before the room falls silent apart from Y/N's soft snores.

That kinda turned into a Rachel and Daniel chapter, but oh well.

black widow cast memberOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora