first day meeting the cast

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Hello reader and welcome to this story! As usual updates may be irregular and slow but I'm aiming for this to be around 50 chapters so I hope I get there eventually. I really hope you enjoy this first chapter!

Reader is 11


I wake up to the alarm clock on the side of my bed beeping.

I look over at it see the time 5:08am flashing across the screen.

I groan, and shut my eyes for a few more seconds, before taking a deep breath and rolling out of the hotel's comfy bed.

Why were cast meetings always so early?! Some of us need sleep you know!

I get ready for the day, before making sure I had everything, then going to meet my security team in the lobby.

They quickly direct me to a tinted window car outside and someone takes my suitcases and puts them in the trunk for me before the car started driving off.

I stare out the window on the way there, listening to music to try and calm my brain as I was super nervous.

Today I was going to meet the cast of the new movie I'm in called 'Black Widow.'

I know most of the cast already from other films and I definitely felt way out of my league compared to them, but Kevin Fiege wanted us all to meet properly and go over the script together before we started shooting.

I was super nervous as all these actors had multiple awards and were huge. Granted I am
quite a well known child actor, but I look up to these people.

After about 20 more minutes of driving, we pull into the set after having gone through lots of security.

My bodyguard opens my door for me and I thank him and I'm getting out of the car.

A woman wearing a suit and tight skirt walks over to me with a smile. "Hello Y/N, I'm Michelle and I'm the head of security." She greets.

I smile nervously back. "Nice to meet you..."

She tells me to follow her and she leads me onto a huge set.

I look around in awe. "I'm never going to remember which way to go." I admit.

Michelle laughs. "You will eventually, but if you ever do get lost just ask any member of staff and they'll point you the right way." She tells me kindly, coming to a stop at a door.

"I can't go any further, but everyone is just through there." She points at the door and shoots me another smile. "Good luck, I'm sure you'll have a great time."

I take in a deep breath like I do every time I audition, and although this time I'm not acting, I just have to be myself.

I slowly push open the door, and walk into a room, littered with couch's and coffee tables.

Each sitting on either a sofa or armchair is Scarlett Johansson, Florence Pugh, Rachel Weisz, David, Kevin Feige and Cate Shortland.

I walk in quietly, and they all smile at me making me feel extremely small.

I knew David from having done Stranger Things for a few seasons now, but he was talking to someone and hadn't seen me yet.

"Hello Y/N, come and have a seat whenever you want." Kevin smiles reassuringly at me.

I look around for a spare seat and see one next to Florence so I quickly walk over, wanting all the eyes off me.

Florence waves at me, so I smile back nervously and sit down on the couch.

"Hi, I'm Y/N." I spoke quietly, these first meetings always give me butterfly's no matter how many I've done.

"Hey sweetie, I'm Scarlett." Scarlett waves at me from her position on the couch opposite me and Florence.

"Hello, I'm Rachel." Rachel smiles warmly at me, making me instantly relax slightly with her calm voice.

"I'm Florence but you can call me Flo." Flo wraps her arms around me with a small laugh. I hug her back, very much liking everyone already.

"Think you already know me Miss Y/N/N." David jokes, having finally stopped his conversation and seen me.

"Hi, David!" I grin, pulling away from Florence and running to give him a hug.

He opens his arms happily and hugs me back tightly.

"I haven't seen you in ages kiddo! Look how much you've grown!"

I laugh, and we catch up a bit Brodie I go back to my seat next to Florence when Kevin starts talking.

Kevin talks a bit about the movie plot and how we can't tell anymore about it etc. Then Cate takes over and talks for a bit, before we get handed the script and explain that it will probably chance quite a lot over the next few months, so nothing is set in stone.

They go through everyone's character's, and explain them a bit, before getting to mine.

"So Y/N, your characters name is Anya Krupin and she was around 1 when she went into the mission in Ohio. After the mission she went back to the Red Room for a few years, before they freeze her for 15 years. She then came out and continued her widow training under the mind control. She is 10 years old, so a year younger than you. Any questions?" Cate asks, after briefing down my character.

I shake my head, trying to stop smiling every 5 seconds.

"Right then, that's it guys. Filming starts in a few days. Good job everyone." Kevin stands up and shakes all our hands, before walking out with Cate.

"Where are your parents Y/N? We can walk with you to them." Rachel offers, kindly.

I paused for a moment. "O-Oh, there back in Canada. They are very busy with their jobs, so I just have my security team." I see David look at me sadly, he knows my parents don't really care about me. sure they love me, but they were always so busy. I've had baby sitters from a very young age, and even now they never come to any auditions or my shoots.

Everyone looks at me with a sad expression, before Scarlett pulls me into a hug. "You ever need anything, you call one of us, okay?"

I smile and nod. They all give me there phone numbers, except David since I already had his.

"Thank you all." I tell them sincerely. It was nice to have people care for me.

Wiona texts me a lot, she's really like a second Mom to me, but she's currently filming in England so I've been a bit lonely lately.

"Not at all sweetie."

"Of course!"

"Anytime kiddo."

"Don't mention it, Y/N."

I smile, this may be one of the nicest movie casts ever.

We all talk as we walk out of the building, and back into the car park.

I see my security team waiting by a car. "I better go." I say, turning to look at Scarlett, Flo, Rachel and David.

"You text us when you get back safe, okay?" Rachel orders, handing me my phone which they had all put they're numbers in.

I smile. "Okay." I hug them all goodbye, before running off to get into my car and go back to the hotel.

When we are almost back, I hear my phone ping and see that Flo has made a group called 'russian vodka family❤😜' I smile and put my phone away, excited to start shooting in a few days time.

Haven't proof read I will do that tomoz (well I mean midday ish as its 2am lol), but I hope u liked it!

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