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❥︎Author's Pov

The day of Naveen's wedding had arrived, taking away the little happiness and hope of two souls who are craving for each other.

Too many emotions were attacking Naveen and Maira. Those waves of it didn't allow both of them to open their eyes.

The previous night's events were completely unplanned and a trap of their vicious fate. They both were too blinded by lust while their lips met each other.

It was their first-ever kiss.

But they aren't happy with it cause that wasn't the right time and it is still a mystery If the perfect moment will ever appear...

Naveen was woken up by his mother, the guilt of his last night's actions returned to his head again.

What should he do now??

If he marries Anita, he could never be able to forgive himself for the pain Maira will undergo, likewise, he will be the reason for Anita's loveless life after marriage.

And If he doesn't marry Anita, the guilt of destroying a girl's reputation and name will eat him alive.

The situation is very complicated.

"Get ready soon okay" his mom left the room, leaving her son to groan in frustration.

He can't marry Anita, he decided. It will surely lead to worse consequences but whatever might happen, he is grounded in his statement.

Sighing, he composed his mind to talk to his parents.

When he pondered to exit his room, his battery-less phone ringed, urging him to pick it up.

It was Maira. He hurriedly attended the call and put it to his ear. Before he could speak, Maira went ahead.

"Naveen mama, forget all the things that happened between us yesterday night and also my stupid rantings about my confession---" cutting off her words, Naveen shouted at her.

"My phone is gonna die soon so you shut up and hear me out first" but Maira was stubborn.

She has to do this. This is not some silly game where you could restart your life once again without damage.

She had accepted the actuality...hell no, she is pretending to accept it while screaming and crying inside herself.

"No mama, you listen to me! I want you to marry Anita.." Naveen clenched his fist as those words slipped out her lips.

"I won't!!" He retorted back furiously.

Maira knows about her mama's rigid personality. Having left with almost zero options to make him agree to this marriage..she finally brought herself to use the one weapon, manipulation.

It hurt her like a knife was stabbed to her heart as she spoke."If you truly love me...do as I say mama" she knew she is stupid to blurt it out. Because she couldn't stand the thought of him marrying Anita as soon as those phrases were converted into pictures in her mind.

She sat down on the floor, near the edge of her bed with tears rolling down her cheeks.

She regrets saying that.

"I love you, Maira..." Those were the last four words traded between them as his phone died. Naveen initially wanted to snap at her for her foolish attempt to make him get married but after listening to the slight sob of Maira, these are the only utterances he found in his brain.

Well, this is what Maira wished too. However, her heart ached in indefinable pain heeding his confession.

She cried like a child who was desperate for candy, lips parted, hands fisting the sheets on the bed, she buried her head in it, letting go of the tears.

"You aren't ready yet!" His mom peeked at her son's clothes and grimaced. "Hurry up and be in the mandap within 15 minutes" she ordered and went away.

He loves Maira and he could do anything for her...Funny how this strong and determined man was weak to love. Well, who isn't though?

Minutes passed by and Naveen was now seated in the mandap...




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