Contact pt.10

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''So, you and Will huh?'' Penny walked up to me smirking, I turned around in confusion, ''pardon?'' I was oblivious. ''Oh come on, don't act blind, I saw that, I mean, mom and I were even talking about it back when we almost drowned, guess she owes me 20 bucks'' Penny smiled as I just simply rolled my eyes.

''I don't really know if you're getting that money'' I grinned spinning around to face her, ''Bitch please, if age didn't matter, y'all woulda been together at 11.'' I was silent from embarrassment and threw down the charts still silent, ''Screw you Penny!'' I called out to her as she walked out. ''When?!'' She yelled back as a joke as I rolled my eyes and continued scanning the small pieces of paper.

¬Time Skip To When They Are In The Forest¬

''Okay on the count of three'' Penny looked at us as we  nodded in agreement. ''One, two three'' She said taking small gaps in between as we put our arms onto the the tree, Penny, Will and my hair all started to stick up just like on the resolute. ''Woah'' Will whispered as he started feeling the top of his head.

''Just like the resolute'' Penny's eyes widened even more once I said that, ''Even though we're not on the resolute.'' I was slightly worried now.

Suddenly Smith came running to us out of breath and stumbling on her worlds, ''R-remember when I once experienced the same phenomenon'' she smiled proudly still out of breath, ''you followed me here?'' Will stepped in front of us. ''Well if I'd knew it would be this far, I wouldn't have.'' Smith gripped onto her stick. ''But it's a good thing I did, because I know what that hair thing means, because somewhere, on the other side of that wall is...'' before Smith could finish her sentence I walked up to the vines and started to pull them apart. 

''Alien Technology, we know.'' I fake smiled at her as I struggled, ''That's not possible, we would of seen a sign'' Penny walked up to Will and I, ''Or the Robot or something would of said something or-'' Before she could finish her sentence we managed to pull it open.

''See, I told you'' I smiled briefly as we all starred into the long black tunnel after pulling it open. 

Will Robinson x Reader (On Hold due to school)Where stories live. Discover now