Three Little Birds pt.5

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We all walked along the edges of the forest, it was really beautiful. The trees were swaying in the wind, I wanted to breathe the air but unfortunately we couldn't because of our space suits. It was a long walk in the hot air but eventually we passed the right mountain and began to set up our stuff. ''Okay so on one die or fall off please, I do not need that on my conscious'' Penny looked around at all of us as I cracked a smile, ''We'll try not to'' Will said not looking up.

Judy punched a hole into the mountain  as we followed, I felt like I was going to fall at any second, ''I don't think converses were made for this'' I commented trying to keep my balance, ''Just think of it as rock climbing'' Judy responded loudly as she continued to punch the tool into the wall. ''Look I think this is why it wasn't working in this hole'' Will slightly smiled as a bug walked out, it was really pretty, ''Is it bad In kind of think it's cute?'' Penny smiled as she climbed across, ''Yes'' ''No'' She got two responses at the same time from Vijay and that douche of a boyfriend. I saw her face and came back a step, ''I think it's cute too'' A small smile appeared on her lips, I sent her a small one back as we kept moving, we still had 1500 metres to reach until dark.

The climb was long, very long, I felt like my arms were about to fall off, my legs felt like that too, I couldn't help but wonder if we would ever leave this planet.

''Wills not the same now'' Smith walked up to robot, ''not unless he's talking about his haircut or the irritating fact that he's taller then me now. He's hiding something. If you know something, tell me'' Smith smiled breathily at Robot before walking off

Will woke up slightly panting, hem got up and looked around, ''You okay?'' a voice filled the tent as he looked at Vijay, ''I had a nightmare'' Will said sitting up, Vijay sighed ''Tell me about it'' He rolled his eyes as he was getting the too.

''You'll get used it'' I sat up and looked at the two, I had been getting nightmares since the night my parents died, that's why I hate the indoors.

''Yeah I have too'' Vijay looked at Will and I then his eyes motioned to Penny, ''Hey Will? Has she ever spoke about me?'' His eyes moved away from Penny. ''Penny and I haven't really been talking much'' Will looked down at his sleeping sister. ''I miss the way things used to be between everyone'' I threw my head back against my pillow. ''Me too'' Will closed his eyes.

Will Robinson x Reader (On Hold due to school)Where stories live. Discover now