Three Little Birds pt.1

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                                                    Will gently opened his eyes as he scanned his

                                           surroundings, it was just a dream. Sudden Foot steps

                                                 echoed through the halls as he looked at robot.

''You're supposed to be on watch'' he got out of bed and slipped his jacket on one arm as he walked past robot and back down through the halls making his way outside, he glanced around at the view and slightlsy smiled. ''What are you smiling about?'' a voiced spoke from above him. He shook his head slightly and smiled, ''See your annoying English accent didn't disappear over night'' He shook his head slightly as I jumped down, ''See your ugly American accent hasn't disappeared either'' I jumped down the rest of the ladder and smiled up at him.

''Touché'' He put his arm on my head, ''You'll never get tired of that, will ya?'' I pressed my lips together as I pushed it off, ''Gotta keep rubbing it in'' He raised his eyebrows and looked over to the tents. Judy and Penny glanced up at us, I felt bad for them, my parents died a long time ago so I was pulled apart by death.

However for them they could still see John and Maureen but they're not allowed.

''Day 349, well dad we're still here, or where ever here is. The rest of the planet died a long time ago, how or from what, we don't know but the Jupiter's computer found a safe spot in the valley where life was able to survive and, so far, so have we. The corn yard is up three percent from last week, the battery is optimised, so it's fully charged, no injuries or crazy illnesses to report. We even have a school now! Doctor, or should I say madam Smith has finally found her calling. We are mentoring the sky day in night, we're still safe. For us it counts as good luck. We're still wondering if we are even going to make it to alpha Centauri. Will says we have only found 72% of the martials we need to make the Jupiter fly better, I'm sure he's working as fast as he can, it's just going a lot slower then anyone had hoped. It was only supposed to take a few weeks but it's taken a year, Will seems to have taken it personally, the only person he will really open up to is Y/n, but there's only so much she can do to help. She has been trying to distract everyone from there parents and how much they all miss them, she spends all of her time outisde to try and distract her self too but I know she will always miss her mum and dad.''

''Without you or mom I think we're all a bit lost, even the robot really wants to be helpful, but he seems to be searching for what his purpose is here, I guess, in a way, I am too.''

Judy watched as the robot launched a small rocket up in the air as I prayed it would make it. Her hope was washed away as the small Rocket she hoped would be there ticket out of there, fly off course and crash into the mountain. She watched the robot walk away in sadness, Judy couldn't help but do the same.

Will Robinson x Reader (On Hold due to school)Where stories live. Discover now