Three Little Birds pt.3

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''What the hell?'' I shot up off the roof of the Jupiter as I saw a massive asteroid I rolled my eyes as the alarm started, 'can I ever get a minute alone around here?' I thought as I followed the crowd to the bunker, I scanned the crowd as I realised, ''where's Will?'' I questioned Judy, ''I don't know, Just get into the bunker and actually do something for once!'' she shouted with instant regret, I raised my eyebrows and pressed my lips together as I pointed to the asteroid, it had exploded, I smiled sheepishly as I walked back to the jupiter.

''This is a Simulation of what happened just now, you see that collision between those two giant asteroids? Now what what happened next'' The screen extended out as Vijay and Judy turned to Will, ''What's going on here?'' He looked down at the screen, ''We don't exactly know, can you go and get Y/n to examine it?'' Will looked down for a second but nodded.

''Y/n?'' Will climbed to the top of the Jupiter to see Y/n reading, ''What do you want?'' I sat up closing my book, ''Um, you're the only one here who knows how to read these weird charts because of your brother so we kinda need to to help figure out why the rocks clamped together.''

I nodded, ''Nice try, I smiled laying back down, ''And I'm sorry'' Will spoke quickly as I rose back up with a smile, he lost focus and slightly smiled before he continued, ''I shouldn't have snapped at you like that, you were only trying to help'' He nodded putting his head down to avoid eye contact. ''And he has done it'' I stood up and walked over to him.

I slightly stretched up and kissed his cheek as he went a slight shade of red. ''What was tha-'' I cut him off, ''Don't make it weird'' I said quickly as I smiled slightly following him down the ladder.

''So have you figured it out yet?'' Vijay sat next to me as I nodded, ''You see this, one of these pieces is the big meteor that just fell, but look how many other smaller pieces came off too'' I followed them with my finger. ''A lot of them are still floating in orbit'' I finished as I spun my chair around, ''It's getting more exponentially congested up there.'' Will pointed out.

''How long until the computer won't be able to safely navigate this ship through that mess?'' Judy looked at me, ''at this rate, four or five days'' I rubbed my head with my hand and I threw my pen down. ''And we'll be stuck here forever'' Ajay Threw himself against the wall.

''It'll take you more then four days to repair the ship, won't it?'' I looked up at Will, ''Well I could do it in less then four hours if I had enough titanium'' Will said quickly.

''I wish I could do this by myself'' Judy walked up to the window, ''Do what?'' I questioned.

Will Robinson x Reader (On Hold due to school)Where stories live. Discover now