Three Little birds Pt.8

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Penny Will and I all walked slowly back into camp as we got surrounded by excited children, ''Here you go, take that to the forge, okay?'' Will smiled at the children as we continued, Will pressed record on the radio as he started speaking.

''Acting captains log  day 352,'' Penny grabbed the radio out of Wills hand and spoke, ''Uhh acting co captain'' I squinted my eyes, ''Wait, I want to be a captain'' I looked at Penny,

''Sorry, no short people allowed'' I rolled my eyes as Will spoke, ''Hey you ruined the recording, now I have to start over'' He looked at us both, ''Well if you can't be accurate then you should start over'' Penny raised her eyebrows at Will. Will rolled his eyes to me and continued talking into it. ''The titanium's been recovered and now the repairs to the Jupiter can finally begin.'' Will was about to speak when Penny interrupted.

''You'd be really proud, we did it all ourselves'' Penny smiled, ''Also, we flew off a cliff'' I added happily, ''No don't.. Now I'm gonna have to erase that part'' Penny and I giggled. ''Well Acting co-captain Penny Robinson signing off'' She laughed proudly, before running off to avoid a lecture.

''Can you stop encouraging her? I thought we were a team!'' Will smiled at me, ''Well we are unless it means bullying you'' I nudged his shoulder as he rolled his eyes.

Smith ran into the room Will was working on the titanium in and threw his book down, ''You didn't have to make that climb'' She said sheepishly, ''But then you know that'' She stepped away. ''What are you talking about?'' Will sighed.

''I've cooked a few books in my day, okay? If you really wanna be an affective thief, ;earn accounting, but if you wanna catch a thief'' She opened the book to the recourses we had, ''You see there's an enormous amount of titanium missing, I-I mean I'm annoyed I didn't catch it sooner, but after a year of baby sitting I'm finally losing my edge, But who woulda thought that Will Robinson, would sabotage the only way to get to Alpha Centauri?''

''You're right, about everything. It was me'' Will sighed as he knew what she was gonna do, ''But what I don't understand is why you don't wanna leave?'' Smith budged an answer out of him, ''The robots aren't just looking for their engine anymore, they're looking for me'' Will told her.

''How do you know that?'' Smith asked not believing him just yet, ''They know my name'' Her mouth dropped, ''What are you doing to do?'' Her eyes widened, ''I'm working on it'' he looked away.

''I have to admit, I'm a bit touched your confining me'' She sat there eagerly, ''Can you keep this a secret?'' Will looked at her sadly, ''That's something I'm good at'' She breathed out a smile.

Will walked up to see Robot peering over the edge of the cliff, ''so apparently some ones been messing with the ore we need, to fix the engine and leave this place, Smith thinks it was me, But she's wrong'' Will looked over at the robot, ''It was you, wasn't it?'' The robot looked down as Will got his answer, ''Why would you do that?'' He questioned.

''Help Will Robinson'' Robot looked down at him, ''You knew I felt safe here?'' Will felt a little happy but still sad as it was keeping everyone from seeing their families, ''Or at least, safer then facing whatever's out there, I get you were trying to protect me but, I'm not a kid anymore'' Robot looked away, ''Danger Wil Robinson'' He said still not looking at him.

''Maybe the only way to put an end to it is by facing the danger, the robots are gonna come for me, and when they do, if my family's anywhere near, their gonna get hurt, or worse, which means when we all get to Alpha Centauri, you and I have to leave them.''

''If you really wanna help me, trust me''

Will Robinson x Reader (On Hold due to school)Where stories live. Discover now