Chapter Five: One Cup Of Mead

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"Someone looks dapper today!" Lancelot pointed out and Merlin chuckled.

"Thank you." He smiled and a couple of the knights chuckled.

"How come you're not with Arthur?" Leon questioned, "you two would usually be scheming right about now."

"He's preoccupied." Merlin looked back over at Arthur who was smiling at something the Princess had said.

Merlin hated it but tried his best to hide the expression on his face. He turned back to the knights and caught the look on Leon's face. It was pity mixed with disappointment and it was directed towards Merlin. Merlin cleared his throat and shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm going to go get a drink." He announced, "would any of you like one?"

"I could use one." Gwaine smiled, "I'll come with you."

Merlin nodded and the both walked side by side to the mead area. Merlin really wasn't one to drink but watching Arthur flirt with the Princess all night made him sick to his stomach. He grabbed one cup and passed it to Gwaine who thanked him. He grabbed his own and both men made their way away from the crowd.

"What's the matter, Merlin?" Gwaine spoke softly and Merlin looked over at him and then back down at his cup.

"Nothing, why?" Merlin lied and Gwaine scoffed.

"You are practically pouting, my friend." Gwaine chuckled and Merlin sighed.

Gwaine pulled him towards the balcony and Merlin let him without a fight. He looked back over at Arthur one last time to see the prince looking over at him with wide eyes. Before he could mouth anything he was outside with Gwaine. The cool air made him shiver and clutch his drink a little tighter. He took a sip of the sweet liquid and his nose scrunched a bit; Gwaine grinned and leaned against the balcony. The moonlight made Gwaine practically glow and Merlin felt his chest warm. He stood beside Gwaine and took another drink.

"Talk to me." Gwaine hummed and Merlin didn't know where to start.

"I don't even know what to say." Merlin kept drinking and Gwaine debated on stopping him or not.

"Is it about Arthur?" Gwaine raised an eyebrow.

"No...yes." Merlin huffed, "he drives me mad sometimes."

Gwaine couldn't hold in the laugh that escaped his lips, "more like all the time."

"Well no matter." Merlin frowned taking a large gulp of his drink and finishing it, "soon he'll marry and will no longer drive me crazy."

"Doubtful." Gwaine scoffed and took a step closer to Merlin, "he's far too in love."

It was Merlin's turn to scoff as he looked up at Gwaine, "in love with who? Himself?"

"No, Merlin, he's in love with-" Gwaine started.

"Gentlemen you do know the ball is inside right?" Arthur stepped out into the balcony.

"We do." Merlin grinned though his face was far too flushed for Arthur's liking.

Arthur could see the two men practically standing inches away from one another. Gwaine's hand was on top of Merlin's that was gripping the cup; Arthur couldn't stand the sight. The moonlight dancing along both their faces and Merlin practically melting into Gwaine's touch. The effects of the mead were starting to hit Merlin and he rested a hand on Gwaine's chest to keep his balance. Gwaine quickly looked down at him and then back over at Arthur.

"Am I interrupting?" Arthur cleared his throat and looked over at Gwaine with a glare.

Gwaine's eyes grew wide, "no, sire."

Merlin let out a laugh, "yo-ou certainly are."

"No, Merlin it's fine." Gwaine stepped back.

"S'not." Merlin pouted, "G-Gwaine was talking about love-"

"Love?" Arthur's glare burned hotter and Gwaine gulped.

"Y-you must forgive him." Gwaine sputtered, "he's drunk."

"Drunk?! You got him drunk?!" Arthur's anger had grown further and Gwaine wasn't sure what else to say.

"Actually, if I must-" Merlin started.

"You mustn't." Gwaine covered Merlin's mouth and gave him a pleading look.

Arthur huffed and grabbed Merlin by the arm and away from Gwaine, "come, you'll rest in my chambers tonight."

"Good night, Merlin." Gwaine called out and gained a sharp glare from Arthur.

"Goodnight!" Merlin chirped.

Merlin chuckled but let Arthur guide him off the balcony, through the ball, and out the room. He caught a couple of stares from Morgana, Leon, and Lancelot. Merlin was about to yell out to Leon but Arthur pulled him into a secluded hallway. Merlin was about to complain when he realized how close he was to Arthur and how concerned Arthur was.

"What were you thinking, Merlin?" Arthur hissed but his eyes were far too soft for Merlin to detect any anger.

"Was just one c-cup." Merlin shook his head but his words were coming out slurred.

"Obviously." Arthur tried to hide the smile that reached his lips, "we all know how much you cannot handle your mead."

"I m'doing f-fine." Merlin crossed his arms over his chest.

"Come on." Arthur pulled him so that he could start walking, "walk for me sense you're fine."

"I will." Merlin spoke matter-of-factly.

"Go on." Arthur grinned and let go of Merlin.

Merlin hesitantly put one foot in front of the other; the hall was tilting and Merlin placed both his arms out to keep his balance. Arthur let out a delighted laugh and caught Merlin just before he fell. Merlin landed in his arms with a heavy thud but Arthur picked him up effortlessly.

"I got you." He whispered and Merlin sighed.

"I had it." Merlin grumbled and Arthur shook his head.

"Of course you did." He picked Merlin up bridal style and Merlin rested his head on Arthur's shoulder.

He walked Merlin to his chamber and one of the guards opened the doors for them. Arthur mumbled something to the guards that Merlin couldn't quite understand and then they stepped through and Arthur closed the door with his foot. The chambers were dark outside of the moon's light that poured in through the window. He gently placed Merlin on his bed and slipped Merlin's boots off. Arthur slipped the covers over Merlin and the other man sighed.

"I'm not tired, Arthur." Merlin huffed and shut his eyes.

"Then why are you closing your eyes?" Arthur teased.

"S'not." He opened them again, "I was blinking."

"Of course." Arthur chuckled.

Merlin looked over at Arthur who was watching him with tender eyes; he raised an eyebrow at the prince. Arthur kicked off his own shoes and Merlin watched as he sat on the other side of the bed.

"You're not going back?" Merlin mumbled his eyes drooping low.

"And miss out on drunk you." Arthur stretched and untied his cape.

"Your Princess..."

"She's not my princess." Arthur shook his head and tossed his cape to the side, "I told you I do not wish to wed her."

"It doesn't look like it." Merlin opened one eye and Arthur looked back at him.

"I'm just being polite." Arthur patted Merlin's head softly, "nothing more."

Merlins eyes shut completely and with those words he fell asleep. Arthur sighed and moved his hand away from Merlin's head. He rested beside Merlin without getting under the blankets and shut his eyes as well. If he could he'd bask in Merlin's presence for as long as he could. But for now he'd savor their night together.

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