"Hey. You. Heat are you doing here?" One of the workers turned to her and yelled.

Animosity. Which was not a good thing. But the good thing is, they did not recognize her.

"I was— you know- got lost in here." Aerie replied.

"You cant get lost in here." The worker continued to yell in his low and hoarse voice. "You need password to get in here in the first place."

"I—" Aerie said, but was stuck at searching words, "when I came in, the door— the door was open. And there were nobody there, yeah yeah."

"You better not be trying to do anything bad," he continued, "like stealing? We don't care if you look innocent or not. Look- the mayor's son gonna hold a party here tonight. And any loss we ain't can't afford it. You better be honest."

"Really." Aerie said. "And I am also searching for the exit here."

"Fine." The man said, "we are, like, all of us are lads and you're a girl. We don't want to search you, so you better turn in anything you have stolen. We don't buy your story."

"There's really nothing here." Aerie said, "and hey- look." As she said, she pulled the crumbled ticket inside her pocket. "I got the ticket. For the party tonight."

"Oh." He replied in amusement. "But you are like— six hours early. Its one in the afternoon now. Nobody would be early for that much to a party. You've never been to one before? You aren't even dressed."

"Well- yeah." Aerie said. Well, that was embarrassing. But anything if they can come up with a story themselves and believe in it.

At least she now know the time. Before she knew, her stomach was rumbling. She regretted for not getting any food back inside the cell.

"Then maybe I will leave for a clothes shop and get myself something decent to get dressed?" Aerie asked cautiously.

"Go ahead." The worker, who now seemed to have no attention on her said casually. And then something hit his mind all of a sudden, as he turned towards her- "Wait."

"What?" Aerie replied, "I thought I have already answered all of your questions."

"No. You were distracting our attention." The worker said, "Your right pocket. What's in there?"

Aerie's eyes widened. She had completely forgotten that she had the screwdriver inside her left- not her right- pocket. She slowly emptied it, and held the screwdriver insider her hand.

"A screwdriver?" The worker asked, "that proves me right that you are actually up to no good, but stealing a screwdriver? Which only costs like a dollar each outside? A platinum screwdriver? Silver screwdriver? I am actually curious- what did you actually come here for, young lady?"

"I- I forgot to empty my pockets." Aerie continued, "I— theres noting else inside."

He grabbed the screwdriver directly from her hands, mumbled words under his breath. She could feel him wanting to throw her out, wanting to push her away, blame her for her 'seeming innocence'.

But he did not. Instead, Aerie knew that the moment he stared dead into her eyes would be the last moment that she had to run.

Aerie did not look back before she launched herself.

And she was away. Into the crowd, into the city. Aerie was certain that they would not stop there. If a thought successfully inherited inside the mind, nobody can kill it. Not anymore even when it made no sense.

Not to say- it would make pretty much sense for her being pickpocket. Or breaking in. Regular workers could not bear the consequences of having lost items- any object in sight would cost at least three thousand bucks in the mayor's house. The workers would definitely not risk it, especially when a lot of them would cut cost and not buy any insurance.

Aerie walked faster. There were people, but not a lot of people. Black hair, short height, T-shirt with no shoes, Aerie could easily be spotted on the street.

She wished that she had a hoodie. At least she could be less oblivious. But the part of her walking barefoot would always expose her. She knew way too well.

Despite the fact that the day was supposed to be chilly- 15 degrees in the city- her feet still ached from the heat on the road.

From a distance, siren rang along her ears. It was coming closer and closer to her, she knew from her heart even without looking back. The streets was quiet, more quiet now the only thing in her ears was the siren.

"Stop there—" A amplifier was held at the car, and a policeman yelled.

Aerie turned. There were nobody else at the street, and definitely nobody except her, with a few people walking around in the opposite direction.

"Yes you- the lady over there." He continued to yell. And interestingly enough, Aerie allowed herself to stop at where she was, when she would have ran, in literally every situation. She don't know what would happen next, but she knew that she was definitely safe outside.

There would always be odds, Aerie told herself. The dormitories was within sight, if she made the bet and ran for it, maybe she could safely be back inside the university campus, which would add a lot of difficulty for them to get her. Her features wasn't that outstanding and recognizable anyways.

But she stood. "What's the matter?" Aerie asked calmly when the cops pulled up next to her.

"We are here to inform you that, with the report of the worker at the mansion over there, you are suspected of burglary. We hope that you can cooperate with us and help us with our research although there had been no loss confirmed."

"Okay." Aerie did not wait for them to finish. The risks would be no longer on her- she's not the one at risk. "Though if possible, I hope to leave by tonight."

"We won't keep you long if you are clean."

Aerie looked out of the window when she sat in. She would definitely not be at the party tonight, and there's nothing that could help stop her from thinking about it.

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