"We don't ask questions. We just believe in our cause."

Tamara was trying to operate the communicator. "Greg?"


"I'm not getting a status light on this thing." She handed Greg the communicator.

"Did you check the batteries?" He opened the battery compartment and sand fell out.

"What the hell is this? A toy?"

Henry smirked. "It's a good thing you guys don't ask any questions."

Greg looked at Tamara. "Let's go." He turned to the boy. "Walk!"


Hook slowed the ship and Regina noticed.

"Why are you slowing down?" Regina asked. "In case you didn't know, my son's life is in danger!"

"Oh, I know, my hot-headed Queen," Hook replied. "The plan is to bring us to the far side of the island, link up with the widest part of the river, and... then we sail right through, take him by surprise. The irony..."

"What irony?"

"Oh, I spent more time than I care to remember trying to leave this place to kill Rumpelstiltskin. And here I am, sailing right back into its heart with him as my guest of honor. It's not quite the happy ending I was hoping for."

"Greg Mendell said something funny to me. He said I'm a villain, and that villains don't get happy endings. You believe that?"

"I hope not, or we've wasted our lives."

Jackie sighed as she moved to look over the side of the ship. "Oh, Matthew. I vowed never to return after your passing and yet here I am on my way back with the Evil Queen and the man who killed you."

Emma was standing along the ship's railing, gazing out at sea. Mary Margaret and David approached her.

After a moment, Mary Margaret said, "What happened to Neal, and Henry, it's not your fault. You can't blame yourself."

"I don't," Emma replied. "I don't blame you. All this happened because I listened to you. You say good always wins? It doesn't. I didn't grow up in some fairy tale land. My experience is different, that's all I can go on."

"And all we have to go on is ours, so if you would just let us share our wisdom-"

"I appreciate you trying to be parents, but we're the same age. We have equal amounts of wisdom. And all I want is Henry back. I should never have broken the curse. I should've just taken Henry and-"

"You're right. Th-Then you'd be together. We missed you growing up Emma, and it haunts us every day."

"And that's why we're here now," David said. "We don't want you to have to go through the same thing, too, and you won't. We are gonna get our family back."

"How can you two be so infuriatingly optimistic?" Emma asked.

"It's who we are."

"Why? Ever since you got your memories back, ever since you remembered that you're Snow White and Prince Charming, your lives have... they've... well, they've sucked!"

"No. No, we found you."

"And lost Henry! And Neal, and countless other people! Jackie lost her family!"

"Emma, the minute I let go of that belief that things will get better is the minute that I know they won't," Mary Margaret said. "We'll find him."

"No, you won't," Mr. Gold corrected.

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