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Once again, I took up my seat beside Dean's hospital bed. I held his hand in both of mine, wanting to warm the icy fingers in my hold. The sound of the heart monitor beeping steadily was the background music, as well as the whoosh sound made by the ventilator each time Dean inhaled.

The door burst open and two children ran into the room. I turned to face them both, smiling softly as I gazed into familiar chocolate brown eyes.

"Papa, are you visiting dad again?" the girl asked quietly. Both children came to stand on either side of me, each placing a hand on my shoulder.

"That's right, pretty girl. I want to be here in case your dad were to wake up one day so he could meet you and your brother."

After everything that happened at Clayton and Jackson's pack, I requested that Dean return to the den with me. It wasn't that I didn't trust them, it was just that I wanted to stay with my mate back home, where we could be more comfortable. Also I needed to be with all the members of our collective.

Four months into Dean's coma, I gave birth to the twins, Noah and Natalie. The saying "it takes a village" was definitely true for them. With help from the entire pack, I was able to raise them both to be happy ten-year-olds.

Any time they were taking a nap for longer than an hour as young children, I was able to sneak away and found myself sitting here beside Dean, talking to him and telling him all about their antics.

Often times, I'd cry myself to sleep, worried about how my life would go from now on, without my mate by my side. There were days I just wanted to stay in bed all day, not get up for any reason.

But then, Noah and Natalie would run into the room begging for attention and I'd be forced to get up anyway.

Talking to Dean always helped me whenever I was stressed about "pack" business. Even though he never responded, just being able to voice my ideas and vent a little always made me feel better.

"Dad, I hope you wake up soon, so you could finally meet us," Natalie said, dragging me from my thoughts. She was always the more vocal of the two. Noah would respond if spoken to directly, but otherwise he'd simply stay back and observe everything. I wasn't sure which of us he got that from.

For some reason, Natalie and Noah refused to touch Dean. Whenever I asked them, their response was they didn't want to interrupt his nice dreams.

Although the response had been sweet when they were younger, now it just made me a little curious. Why were they truly avoiding touching him? There was obviously another reason behind it than they claimed.

Glinda had visited me shortly before the twins were born, and I told her about the incident in the other pack that caused Dean to be in that state. She said something about me potentially having dormant magic that was awakened due to my severe emotions. I hadn't experienced anything similar to that again. After she explained that to me, I asked if it were possible for the twins to have their own magic. She didn't actually answer, just gave me a knowing smile and said we'd find out.

Finally, I decided I wasn't going to take their excuses any longer. I grabbed their hands from my shoulders and placed them on Dean's before placing my own on top of them

Instantly, there was a strange stuttering of the heart monitor. The sound was concerning. It was even scarier when the sounds began to speed up and slow down oddly. I stared at the machine unable to focus on anything else. It was several minutes before the monitor stabilized, although at a faster rhythm than it'd been the entire time he'd been here.

I stared at each of the twins in turn, but they wouldn't look at me, just stared at their father. I stared down at my mate as well, trying to see if something was different about him. I instantly noticed the color returning to his face. For the longest time, Dean looked uncharacteristically pale, as if he were slowly giving up despite everything. Now he was looking more full of life than he had in years. Touching his skin, he was warmer to the touch than before. It was as if he were slowly coming back to life!

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