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This darkness again. It was like a thick blanket over my consciousness, not allowing me to break through no matter how hard I tried.

I wanted to see my mate again.

I couldn't even communicate with Jasper through the darkness.

Am I stuck here forever? Am I dying?

Then, I felt a warmth spreading up my left arm from my hand. Someone had figured out why my wound wasn't healing like it should've been, and now they gave me the antidote for it, so I would wake up soon. I hoped.

My whole body was warm. And there were electrifying sparks shooting through my right hand, and even on my head. I knew what that meant. Dean's at my side again. I probably worried him a great deal, seeing as I passed out like I did while we were talking.

I pushed through the blackness, as it started to thin, pushing toward the surface of my consciousness.

When I was right on the edge, I squeezed Dean's hand again. In an instant the sparks on my head vanished. I was a bit sad because they were so enjoyable for me to feel. It meant I was close to my mate.

"Evan... can you...?" It was Dean's voice, but I was still a little too out of it to catch what he said completely.

My eyes started twitching, wanting them open ASAP so I could see my mate again. When they finally opened, I saw Dean sitting in that same chair as before, his hair sticking up all over the place. Did he sleep there?

He was holding my hand still, and smiling at me. I gave him one in return and he put his unoccupied hand on my cheek. The sparks it caused were amazing, and I leaned into the touch. I had missed him in my sleep.

"Evan. Baby, are you awake for real?" I looked up at the concerned face of my mate. I simply nodded, and turned my head slightly to kiss his palm.

"Hi," I said hoarsely. My throat hurt from lack of use, and I couldn't move my mouth very well.

The hand on my face pulled away, and the one holding mine let go as Dean stood up. I frowned as I looked up at him. When he saw my face, he bent down to the bed and kissed my forehead, causing my face to burn.

"I'm going to get you some water. Does that sound alright? I'm also going to get Angel. I need to apologize to him anyway." The last part was whispered, so I was sure I wasn't supposed to hear it, but I did, and it made me curious about what happened while I was out.

He left the room, and I was alone, my only company being the sound of my heart monitor, beeping away. I didn't like being alone. It made me remember my old skulk, and how they used to... I shook my head to rid myself of those thoughts. It was useless to think about anyway. I had a new family, and I found my mate. I was happier now.

A few minutes later, Dean returned, trailed by a petrified Angel. It confused me, but I figured my mate probably went all Alpha on him about something. Even being such a confident deer omega, nobody could handle an angry Alpha except their mate.

Dean walked over to me and helped me take a drink of water. It was cool and soothing, but not cold like ice. He lay me back and set the cup aside before taking his seat and facing Angel.

"E-Evan, I'm glad you're a-awake now. It means the..." he glanced at Dean before continuing on, as if waiting for a negative reaction, "w-wolfsbane antidote was a s-success." When he said wolfsbane, I heard Dean growl under his breath, and saw Angel flinch at the sound. I was poisoned? With... wolfsbane?

That's when it hit me. 'It was a Hunter. That's why that scent was so irresistible, it was created specially to attract shifters. Plus there was wolfsbane in that arrow that struck me. How could I have missed that detail?'

I didn't realize I was speaking out loud until I heard Angel whimper and Dean growl loudly. I looked up at Dean, to see his eyes had turned silver. Was his wolf more in control in his anger? And poor Angel was trembling in the corner, wanting nothing to do with Dean.

"Dean. Stop it." When he didn't listen I realized that he wasn't actually in control, and I had no clue what his wolf's name was.

"Let me talk to him. I think I can reason with him," Jasper spoke up. It was the first time I'd heard him speak to me in a while, but now wasn't the time to think about that.

"Yeah. Please calm him down. He's not only scaring Angel, but he's making me concerned."

I fled to the back of my mind, giving Jasper control of my body.


The second I opened my eyes, I grabbed Axle's arm. He turned to me and began to growl, but I simply growled right back at him. That seemed to snap him out of his angry haze, and his eyes widened as he looked at me.

"J-Jasper?" he asked, voice gruff. He sounded so unsure, and it was my first time seeing an alpha worried like that.

"Yes Axle, it's me. I'm right here. We're alright now," I assured him. That was the most important thing at the moment, making sure he knew we were okay. "I need you to calm down a little. You're scaring the deer," I chided.

He turned and found the deer shifter curled in on himself in the corner of the room, shaking. Seeing this, and knowing that if Axle were to go over there he'd only scare the poor thing further, I decided to attempt walking. It'd been a while since I had control of the human body, and Evan had been in a coma for a long time, so his legs were weaker. I prepared myself and started attempting to get out of the bed.

My movement caught Axle's eye, and he looked at me confused for a moment, before he grabbed my shoulders. I looked up at him with a determined expression. I was getting out of this damn bed, and nobody was going to stop me, mate or otherwise.

Seeing the look on my face, he changed tactics, and instead helped me stand up. He found a pole on wheels to hang the antidote bag on and I used it as support to make my way to the deer's side.

"There's no need to be afraid now," I started. At the sound of my voice, the deer shifter snapped his head up at me.

"Wh-who are you?" he asked. I looked at him confused. Did he really not recognize me? Then it dawned on me, he'd never met me, Jasper, in person before. Whenever I finally was able to take full control, we were always far away from the den so I wouldn't hunt the prey shifters on accident.

"I'm Jasper, Evan's fox. I apologize for Axle's overprotective behavior. We may not know each other very well, but I already understand his need to protect us after what happened to me." I touched the bandages across my chest.

"It's not just after you getting injured so severely, Jasper." I about jumped out of my skin. The wolf had somehow managed to sneak up on me despite my shifter hearing.

I turned around to face him, a question surely shining in my eyes. Axle simply shook his head though. I wasn't going to get an answer.

"It's not my story to tell. We all have our demons, and Dean's just happens to be his entire reason for being out here in the first place. But I will give him the opportunity to tell you what happened himself."

I nodded at him in understanding. I actually appreciated the fact he wasn't willing to share his human's secrets with me. It meant that he was a very honest and trustworthy wolf.

He took my hand, and when I was close enough to him, he kissed me. The sparks that had been sent through our hands had nothing on the electricity that came from our lips simply touching. We stayed like that for several moments, simply relishing in the sensations, before we pulled away.

I looked into his silver eyes and watched as he went into a daze, speaking with his human.

"Jasper, I want control back. You've had your fun, now it's my turn." Hearing that, I knew my time had come to an end, and looking at Axle to let him know, I could tell the decision was somehow mutual despite the lack of a mating bond. It made me smile as I looked at the wolf before we were both forced back as our humans retook control.

Alpha's Second Chance (Second Chance Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now