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Early the next morning, Dean and I were woken up by loud knocking.

Dean groaned and covered his eyes with his forearm in agitation.

"Do we have to wake up so early today? It's the first time we got to sleep in the same bed again in a long time. Why can't they let us enjoy it?"

His complaining caused me to laugh softly, as I rolled myself closer to the side of the bed, already starting to have difficulty sitting up on my own. I may have only been four weeks, but with the suspicion that Glinda was correct when she told me I only lost one instead of two, it made sense that I looked closer to eight weeks along. That would most likely translate closer to sixteen weeks in a human pregnancy.

As I made my way to the door, I thought back to Glinda's words, and then remembered that night, when Angel told me about the miscarriage. He'd stood in front of the screen the entire time, as if not wanting me to see what he was looking at. But why? What would have appeared on that screen that would've changed anything? Unless what Angel was looking at completely contradicted what he'd said, and the truth was I really had only lost one kit like Glinda had claimed...

I continued to ponder this, my hand rubbing my chin while my other rubbed my slightly distended stomach, as I reached the door, the knocking growing louder and more urgent.

I opened the door with a yawn, only to be met with someone shouting my name.

"Evan!" My eyes shot open and I saw a frantic Jackson standing in front of me. "I'm sorry to wake you so early, especially after Dean has just been allowed to return to your room, but something just came up, so Clay and I have to head back before your ceremony."

I stared at him blankly for a moment, trying to process this.

"What's going on exactly? What could be so urgent that you have to leave right this very second?"

"Clay's father called about an hour ago. He has been watching over the pack for us while we've been here. Apparently, some of the rogue groups around, as well as my old pack, heard that we were out of town, and decided to try and launch an attack on our home. They said they'd go through with their plans next week. It takes a good couple days to get there from here, including stops for bathroom and food breaks with the kids, so we have to leave now if we have any chance of getting back in time."

He spoke so fast I had trouble keeping up with everything he was telling me.

"Tell Alpha Emerson that you're on your way, and if he needs any backup, let me know. We're holding our pack ceremony this morning right after breakfast, and because we have so many people who were warriors in their old groups, it's possible we could provide some much needed support for you."

Dean's voice scared the shit out of me. I whirled around, and stared wide-eyed at him.

"I'll have Clay call his dad back, and if he needs the support I'll let you know. How quickly could you head over?"

"As soon as we get all the members inducted who want to be, I'm pretty sure we could rally a decent group to help, so probably by tonight I should think, if not early tomorrow morning."

Jackson nodded, thanking us for our help before running back toward the stairs, wanting to tell Clayton our suggestion.

I turned to Dean and crossed my arms.

"If you had been the one to open the door and not me, when were you going to tell me about this plan of yours?" I asked suspiciously.

Dean had the audacity to look nervous, laughing while rubbing the back of his head awkwardly.

Alpha's Second Chance (Second Chance Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now