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Flashback 2023

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Flashback 2023. Wrecked Avengers Compound. 

William was currently battling Thanos' army. Ripping through multitudes of alien flesh. The acrid smell of the wreckage around him, serving as a reminder that this was the fight of his life. The mad Titan was attempting to kill every innocent life in the universe. All in the name of balance. 

His muscles were sore, which should be impossible. Tears stung his eyes, and dust covered his icy skin. He was tired. Tired of fighting. Tired of saving everyone. Tired of the responsibility he had to shoulder every moment of his waking life. 

One of the Chitauri soldiers, grabbed him in a chokehold, and slammed him into the ground, the protruding metal impaling his abdomen, eliciting a loud scream. Just as the soldier was about to attack him with it's spear, it turned to dust. 

It started small, in its palms. Then it's legs faded, followed swiftly by it's upper torso and it's face. 

Pulling himself up to his feet with a groan, he looked around the battlefield. And sure enough, what he encountered was happening everywhere else. 

He let out a sigh of relief, and his shoulders, finally believing the threat was over. They had won. 

But how? And at what cost? 

Tony was now resting against the pile of rubble, completely drained. His right side was completely burned, due to the sheer intensity of all six stones. 

He had done it. He had stopped Thanos by snapping his own fingers. That was why Strange had asked the Mad Titan to spare his life. He was supposed to save the universe. 

Steve's words from 11 years ago echoed in his mind. 

"You're not the guy to make the sacrifice play. To lay down on a wire and let the other guy crawl over you." 

"I think I'd just cut the wire." 

How ironic. He had let the other guy crawl over him, and also cut the wire. Guess they were both wrong. 

Pepper kissed her husband's forehead, letting a lone tear roll down her cheek, accepting his death. 

"Dad?", a shaky voice questioned, catching everyone's attention. 

William's heart dropped at the sight. His breathing turned shallow and shaky. Willing himself to move forward, he slowly stumbled over to his father, as he lay on his deathbed. 

"Dad? Dad.", he said, crouching in front of him. 

"Hey, stay with me. Stay with me."

"We're gonna get through this alright. You'll be okay. We'll put the nanite spray on this and you'll be fine. F.R.I.D.A.Y. use the Nanite spray.", he rambled, not wanting to believe his father could possibly die.  

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