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A/N: Is Void the hottest psychopathic bastard you've ever seen or nah? 

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A/N: Is Void the hottest psychopathic bastard you've ever seen or nah? 

Ultra-sound waves echoed across New York city, and returned to the ears of William Stark. Presently, he was perched atop the Empire State Building, listening, trying to find the person who stole the Ronin suit. 

"Did you find them?", Clint's voice came from the comms, who was currently scouring the city. 

"No I did not. It requires concentration, which you are not allowing.", he replied. Clint didn't fire back, but he did roll his eyes, from what the living Vampire could 'see'. 

Dogs were barking, couples were making love, food was being cooked, a light thwiping of webs could be heard. This continued for a few moments until, he heard a struggle taking place a few blocks away. He focused and 'spotted' a figure in the Ronin suit, battling the tracksuit mafia. 

"Clint I found them.", he hurriedly said, and leaped off the building, a trail of purple following him, signaling the retired Avenger, who also sprung into action. 

The suit stealer, Kate Bishop, was being overpowered by her attackers. So, instead of fighting, she ran towards an unlocked car, jumped inside and locked all the doors. But the guys in the tracksuits did not back down, instead, they started to try and break the windows. 

Kate's heart was beating sporadically, her pupils dilated, and she quietly inhaled shallow breaths. Everytime an elbow harshly collided with the hard glass, she flinched. The driver's side window cracked. She thought, this was it. All those years she spent training, wasted. The moment she was faced with an actual threat, she failed to hold her own. 

She was brought out of her thoughts by a terrified screech, which evidently was from one of the tracksuit guys. The attackers all halted in their movements, and looked around with absolute terror written on their faces. 

"What was that, bro?", one of the older men said. 

"Do I look like I know bro?", the one with no hair fired back, his hands shaking, which held a hockey stick. 

The temperature dropped, and a thick fog covered the street they were on , way too quickly to be natural. 

Kate's heart rate was so fast, she felt as if her blood vessels could pop at any moment. Every exhale of her breath, condensed and turned to small shards of ice. 

Purple light suddenly flashed through the fog, followed by yellow muzzle flashes. The scene was a cacophony of earth-shattering screams, gunshots, grunts, thuds and cracks. A few moments later, everything went so silent, you could probably hear a pin drop. Kate's only company was her own breathing. 

Until, abruptly, and massive blue palm with razor like nails, shattered the windshield, grabbed the door and ripped it off it's hinges. The hand reached back inside, grabbed Kate's shoulder, and harshly tugged her outside. The fog swiftly dissipated, and she writhed in the figure's grip but to no avail. There were two figure's who were abducting her. The one with the abnormal hands pulled her along, while the other followed. 

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