Chapter 4 - He does what he pleases

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A/N: I'm sure you know the song, I just start singing my lungs out when I hear it on a radio. It's so nostalgic. Apparently, Laken thinks so too. Enjoy the chapter. ;)

Andrew is at school, mom is working and dad is passing time somewhere else, so I am alone. Only Austin is keeping me company and even he is sleeping on my bed in a little ball of fur.

I lift my gaze towards the clock on my drawer. I've been doing math homework for about two hours. It hurts me in the depths of my petty little soul.

I take my phone, towel and an oversized shirt and try to balance everything to the bathroom.

I press shuffle and let the music from the beginnings of the twenty-first century fill the room.

I wait until the water from the shower warms up.

I slide out of my jeans and shirt and slowly, carefully, step under the hot water. Because of the heat, the bathroom is soon filled with steam.

It doesn't last long for me to join in on the singing - even if somebody could say I am not the best singer.

"My discotheque Juliet teenage dream!"

Doors suddenly open and I scream piercingly.

"Andrew, out! You know I take early showers!" But it is not my arrogant brother, oh no.

"Who is Andrew?" The voice, self-centred and elevated like the whole world is in his hand, full of honest disinterest of Matt Taylor.

"Matt, what are you doing in my house?" Better question would be: what are you doing in my bathroom?

"Were you the one singing?" he continues like he didn't just break into my house and stroll into a bathroom with a naked girl in it.

"None of your business."

"Your door was open."

I try and reach out for the towel that is folded under the mirror next to the sink, but I of course, can't reach it. "Could you please turn around?" I ask, my cheeks blushing red from shame.

When I hear him turning the other way, I step on the carpet with wet feet and quickly wrap myself in a warm and dry towel. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I sent you a message."

"You did not!"

He takes my phone - doesn't turn off the music, that is still playing in the background - and hands it to me. I turn the music way down as soon as I get my hands on my phone. He lifts up his chin confidently. "Look."

And there it is. Message on my screen, reading:
Matt - Today
And nothing else.

"And from that I should understand you? And don't get my started, how I didn't even reply."


"That is not a yes, Matt!"

"It is not a no either."

I powerlessly growl. "You are unbelievable."

"I hear that a lot," he smirks.

My mouth opens in shock; I'm not used talking to such a confident person. Actually, I'm not used talking to a person, period. But something about him pulls you into conversation, even if you don't want that.

His gaze slides down the towel around me, his lips turning up. I know my body isn't something to brag about but, for the love of god, he doesn't need to be mean about it.

Shame overcomes me almost instantly, shame I have never feel before. I mean I was feeling ashamed but never in such amount. When you make a fool of yourself as much as I do and you have no reputation left, you soon stop caring about what others will think. Even though other people's approval means something to me, whether I like it or not.

Matt pulls a hand trough his brown hair, his green eyes flying over me. On his face, just under the eye, he has a small beauty spot, making him even more perfect.

"Well, please leave. It is not the right time..." Before I could finish that sentence, Matt's gaze shuts me up, his hands pushing me to the sink, his legs intertwine with mine, his fingers in my hair. He is teasing me. He never touches my lips with his, he only hovers over them, barely brushing them and then moves lower.

Butterfly's of passion flare up in my stomach and I know now, what every girl that he has used has felt and what many others will.

Finally he kisses me, gently at first and then stronger and firmer. He lifts me up to the sink and for a moment my lips lose rhythm, but his don't stop. He firmly grabs me so that my towel drops on the floor and I am now pressed up against him, totally naked. And even if I am uncomfortable, he isn't distracted for a bit.

His hands are still sticking to my wet body. It is my finger's turn to tangle into his soft, dense hair, while my hand runs through them and it feels so good...

I push him away so he stumbles to the other end of the bathroom and now, that I don't have his grip on me anymore, I slip from the sink. His confused look is digging holes into me, while my hand fly's over my mouth. What have I done? He's playing with every girl that crosses his path and I just let him play with me too.

My hand is shaking. Hell, all of me is shaking while I stretch my hand for my clothes.

He wraps his fingers around my wrist to stop me. "Move your hand Matt," I hiss, harsher than I would like. But he, of course, doesn't listen and pulls me into his chest. With a quiet moan I bump into his hard muscles.

"But you liked it. Right?" I gulp and my silence is the best answer for him. His lips curve into a devil's smirk when he closes his eyes and starts kissing me on my neck, collarbone, shoulder, arm, elbow, wrist, knuckles and on the tips of my fingers. His lips move onto my stomach, he pulls me on the floor with him. Carpet underneath us is crumpling, while he lays on top of me, still fully dressed. I moan and grab his shirt and he pulls it off with a flick of a wrist. I watch his greek-god-statue-like body for a second.

His hand slides on my thighs up and down. "Don't...stop." I want to say stop or don't do this, but it came out as don't stop, and he smirks again.

"Don't worry, I won't."

His tongue slowly makes its way into my mouth, it travels over my lips and past them. His lips head on my chin and over my breasts in the middle and all the way to my pelvis. He looks at me questioningly and just this little break is enough for me to realise that this is wrong. So I shake my head.

He lifts his eyebrows when the fire in his eyes slowly fades. I move his head away from my skin and dress as quickly as possible. I made a mistake.

His soft skin presses up against my back and it takes all my will power not to take my words back. His hands slide to my thighs and push my oversized shirt up to my hips.

He wants me to change my mind, but for the wrong reasons, I think to myself. "Why are you doing this?" I sigh powerlessly.

"Why am I doing what?"

"This!" I spin around and push his arms away.

"Leave." My voice is calm but sharp.


"Didn't you hear me? I said leave!"

Indifferently, but visibly disappointed that he is not gonna get sex, he takes his shirt and slams the door behind him. I flinch.

That's Matt Taylor, he does what he pleases. His wish is going to come true tonight; at least dozens of girls are just waiting for him to call.

But why me? Did he thought I was just going to give up and, when he will get what he wants he'll leave me, unconcerned for everything? I don't know why I let this go on as long as it did — maybe because he made me feel kind of special.

Little did he know he just stole my first kiss.

A/N: This chapter is a bit longer than usual, but I hope you enjoyed Matt-Lake time. I know it is soon, but don't think this is the end, cuz it is just beginning.

With my best, Lazyonthebalcony

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