
“Or maybe he’s just so drunk he can’t even remember where his own garden is.  He’s really starting to irritate me.  I’m going to march right on up to that room of his and drag his sorry ass--”

“Kayden!” Aaron shouted at me, grabbing my shoulders.

I looked up at him in surprise.  “What?”

He didn’t say anything but turned me around to face the entrance of the garden.  None other than the prince himself was standing there...and he looked absolutely terrible.  The pants I had chosen for him this morning that had been in perfect condition were now extremely wrinkled.  His shirt was buttoned incorrectly, his shoes were untied, his hair was a mess, and a tie I had not chosen was wrapped around his neck like a scarf.

My eyes widened considerably, and I uttered a few profanities before running over to him.

“Have fun,” I heard Aaron say behind me.  I ignored his comment, too focused on getting Harry out of sight.  Already, people were starting to notice the prince’s less than proper appearance. 

I quickly dragged Harry to the far end of the garden behind a row of tall shrubs.  When we stopped, he struggled to get out of my grip.

“Ugh...stop running so fast.  My head hurts.”  He sat down on the grass and put his head in his hands, fingers running through his hair.  I was briefly reminded of myself only a few moments ago.

“Is it impossible for you to follow any directions?” I chastised him.

He didn’t respond but remained sitting on the ground.  I sighed and grabbed his arm.  

“Up you go,” I dictated, yanking his arm.  He wouldn’t budge.

“I don’t want to move.”

“Well, you’re going to have to.”

He finally stood up, albeit unwillingly, and stayed still as I began to fix the buttons on his shirt, silently praying that he wouldn’t notice the huge blush that spread onto my cheeks as I did so.  I tied his shoes and moved to remove the tie when he spoke up.

“I like my tie.”  He grabbed a hold of the tie tightly and refused to let me take it from his hands.

“Well the way you’re wearing it looks like you’re about to hang yourself with it.”

He frowned bitterly.  “Flee wishes I would do that for her!” he exclaimed loudly.  “But she’s just a slu--”

I slapped him before he could continue.

He let go of the tie and grasped his cheek, gaping at me with his eyes wide.  “Bloody hell!  What was that for?”

I let out an exasperated huff.  “Pull yourself together, Harry.  Someone will hear you,”  I whisper-shouted at him and took the tie off his neck, throwing it into one of the bushes.

“Who are you to tell me what to do?”

“Are we really gonna start this again?”  I looked up at him, putting my hands on my hips.

He took a step away from me.  “You know what, you have no right to talk to me like that or to tell me what to do or to tell me how to dress!”  His voice grew louder with each word.

“Harry, calm down,” I put my hands out and tried to reason with the hothead.

“No!” he shouted and then paused, thinking something over before speaking again.  “You know what, it’s all your fault!”

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