chapter 16

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Kalila's P.O.V

"Grampa?" I said in a whisper. There was a silhouette of my grandfather, he's reaching a hand out to me, and I took it, suddenly I'm in front of the pack house... wait wasn't I in Shawns room?

"What are we doing here?" I asked. He gave me a sorrowful look and i started to get a little worried. "I'm sure you don't get it now, but I promise you, you'll understand very, very soon." He took my hands in both of his. I knew what he was talking about, it was about last night, about the moon and me, and about Alex and Meagan...

My grandfather was still really young, he was in his late 50's, he passed away around this age. Seeing him right now feels sureal. He kissed my cheak and as soon as he backed away from me, he fell to the ground.

My knees buckled and I shook my Grampa trying to keep his eyes open. Tears were rolling down my face, the first time I never got to say good bye, I don't even want to now. But his eyes are already closing.

"I love you kalila..." he said with his mouth foaming. I closed my eyes and said "I love you too" I said quietly. His eyes rolled back into his head and he was gone

I continued to cry, and out of the corner of my eye I saw a tall man with two guns, just like Alex, I looked over and i tried to stop my tears, as soon as my vision cleared I saw a man about in his mid-40s. He looked very similar to Alex. But it wasn't him...

I recognized him, I've met him before, it wasn't Alex it was his father.

My eyes snapped open, i was still in shawns room, laying on his bed. his arms were wrapped tight around my waist, i moved my head too look at him, he was stirring in his sleep. i wonder what he's dreaming about.

My dream though, was Grampa speaking to me? Did he really die like that? I need to figure this out. It's eating me alive.

Trying my hardest not to wake Shawn, I pull his arm away from my waist, and I sit up and get out of the bed, I look at the clock and it's only 8:30 AM. I got up and headed out the door.

My phone buzzed and the weather showed up, it was supposed to rain by 9:00. I guess it's good I found out before I went to the car... wait, I don't even know where Shawn put my keys. I'll find them later.

I ran to where Alys room was, I opened the door, I'm actually surprised she didn't lock it. I practically ran to her closet, and looked for her sweatshirts.

"Ya know, my warm stuff are at the end of my closet, and why are you surprised I didn't lock the door?" I froze, amazing. I woke her up. And did I say that out loud?

"One. Yes you did, and two. You didn't say that out loud... ever herd of telepathy?" She asked sarcasm dripping out of her mouth.

I turned to look at her and said, "I can't do telepathy, I'm not a wearwolf," she had a smile on her face. "Well you may not be, but I herd ypu loud and clear in my head."

There's another thing to add to my list, first a weird thingy went on yesterday with the moon and i, and now I can do telepathy, I really need to figure this out.

"Can I just borrow a sweatshirt?!" I whisper yelled not wanting to wake anyone up. She laughed and she pulled out and aqua blue sweatshirt, the one u always used to steel from her because of that dang color.

"Have it. I know you love it so, here." Then she shoved it in my arms. I pulled it over my head and hugged myself, the thing is really fuzzy and warm.

"Thank you, and by the way, can I borrow your car." I aksed. "What adventure are you going on now? "She asked me.

"I have to do some... reserch I should say. She looked at me weirdly and then said "Fine but I'm voming with you, with that wack job of a thing called Alex is out there your not gonna be alone, I knew there was something weird about him."

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