Somewhere There's Someone

285 19 15

"l'm coming my prince."

As Encre finished making some food for himself and passive, he heard some shuffling and sniffling coming from his room.

He took both plates and walked to his room, he placed the plates on the bedside table and nudged passive gently, passive didn't wake up only shifted a bit more.

"passive it's time to wake up now, please your food is gonna get cold."

Passive stirred awake as he rubbed his eyes tiredly. He slowly sat up with some help from Encre.

Encre gave passive on of the plates on the bedside table for him to eat the food. He grabbed the other plate for him to eat.

The two sat in silence with occasional sniffs from passive.


"who the fuck are you!?"

The monochromatic skeleton asked.

"Cruzar, now who the fuck are you!?"

The othe- Cruzar glared at the monochromatic skeleton that looked like him.


The two skeletons glared at eachother not daring to do something else, while the two skeletons were glaring at eachother they were unaware of the audience that was watching from the trees.

You might be wondering where is the rest of the moon sanses?


10 minutes ago

The king opened a portal to the co-ordinates Cross said passive was before it started glitching out hiding his code.

"we are splitting up to cover more ground, this Au is much bigger than the other Au's we usually go to, do Not  destroy this Au we might harm passive in doing so, understand?"

They all nodded except for the king.

"ok Cross go that way, dust go-... Where is dust?"

The king asked as the skeletons looked around only now noticing the hooded skelet- Dust's absence.

The king sighed and pointed at the target-shaped soul skeleton.

"kills go and find dust, he is probably in candytale or Underswap."

'kills' nodded and teleported away, leaving on a quest to find his co-worker.

"As l was saying, horror  go there we meet back here if you can't find him also if he is in the slightest bit harmed you will kill the person responsible."

The two skeletons nodded as they ran off in opposite directions. The king turned around and started walking, trying to sense where his 'lover' is, the longer the King was away from his Prince the more he was engulfed in negative thoughts.


Too... Scared of life, l can't carry on.

Too... Useless for everyone,

Too... Impossible for love, impossible to care

Too... Confused in this broken land, for me there's no one here.

Too... Invisble to everyone,
They think l'm a bore

Too... Damaged at heart,
that they gladly tore

Too... Emotional to live on anymore



Encre and passive was both washing dishes, as they both finished they both sat down on a pastel red couch. Passive grabbed a book and started reading, Encre grabbed some art supplies, a sketchbook and started sketching.

The two sat in silence, passive was more focused on his book than his surroundings, but Encre was aware of his surrounding as he heard a knock on glass most likely coming from the window.

Encre stood up placing what he once held down and looked at the kitchen window. Outside you could see a skeleton, they had red eye-lights that faded to yellow, they wore a golden crown and a dirty blonde Cloak that surrounded most of their body.

Encre walked up to the kitchen window and opened it, the cloaked skeleton came in through the window and sat on top of the cabinets, smiling brightly, they're fangs glistening in the light.

Encre chuckled and lightly punched the cloaked skeletons arm, "get off the cabinets! I just cleaned it this morning." Encre whisper-yelled as the cloaked skeleton jumped off the cabinets.

"l'm still not used to you speaking English." Encre laughed, "well it's easy when suave teaches you." the cloaked skeleton looked away from Encre and scowled at the thought of suave's boss, oh how the cloaked skeleton despised him Although he is willing to put their rivalry aside for... Encre's sake.

"well anyway it's nice to see you again reve."

"You too."


Somewhere there's someone,

Who dreams of your

And find in your presence
A life that's worth a while,

So when you are lonely,

Remeber it's true,

Someone somewhere

Is thinking of you.



forceful love//A marenight story//Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon