I'm Coming My Prince

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Passive could tell this strang- Encre was not a threat and he responded truthfully.

"No, actually."

Encre nodded and grabbed passive by the wrist, Passive winced at the sudden action and Encre let go immediately.

"are you ok, Monsieur?! Est-ce que je t’ai blessé! Je suis vraiment désolé"
Encre asked, going back to speaking French as he panicked of accidently hurting his new 'friend'.

Encre weren't sure if they were friends yet but he hoped so.

"l'm fine, no need to panic."

Encre didn't calm down instead just rambling about things in french.

"Vous pouvez vous calmer maintenant! Encre. Je vais bien."

Encre stopped his French nonsense rambling and turned his attention back to passive.

"Vous pouvez parler français?"

Passive nodded, he could actually speak French, he reads alot of books including language books.

Encre exhaled and took passive by the hand and started walking with passive close behind.

"l'm guessing your not around here, am l correct?"

Encre asked making small talk with passive.

"Yes what gave it away?"

Passive gave a sarcastic question. Encre rolled his eyes and they both started giggling at the others antics.

"There isn't alot of people here that can speak French and your wearing a crown, are you a king or something?"

Passive stopped as Encre mentioned crown, bringing Encre to a stop aswell.

Passive found the floor more interesting than anything around him, his throat started hurting as he tried to speak.
(This happens to me when l try to talk to someone when l'm upset, scared etc. And it makes it a bit hard for me to speak.)

"l g-guess you could s-say l'm a prince but please d-don't treat me as a p-prince, treat me a-as a person please."

Passive stuttered, some old memories coming back to him.

Encre giggled snapping passive out of his thoughts.
Passive looked at him confused.

"l was going to anyway, I don't really care who is royalty, they are just people who think their better than everyone else around them but l can see your different. There is some royalty that l know who are kinda like you."

Passive chuckled, Encre soon joining in. Passive took Encres hand once again and Encre continued to lead the way. Making small chat on the way there.

It felt... Nice, Passive enjoyed Encres company, when was the last time he enjoyed someone's company? He was not sure, Encre still asked him if he was ok, of course passive always said yes, passive liked that Encre asked if he was ok, the king never really asked if he was alright but if he did, he didn't seem to care if passive was ok or not.

Why should he? He is the king of negativity he should be feeding of passive's negativity, all passive is to him is a tool and weakness, a weakness because if passive died then the king would die, a tool because of the negativity passive can give off when he wanted.

"we're her-Are you ok?! Vos pleurs!"

Encre snapped passive out of his thoughts, Encre was right passive was crying, passive wiped his tears with his sleeves.

Encre gave passive a hug feeling that he needed one.

"W-what are you doing?!"
Passive asked startled at Encres sudden action.

"hugging you, you seemed like you needed it."

Passive broke down into tears as he hugged Encre back, crying into his shoulder, Encre rubbed circles into his back and whispering sweet nothings like 'it's ok' 'everything's gonna be okay' 'your safe here'

Passives crying turned into choked sobs as he started falling asleep from the excessive crying. The only sound present was passive sniffling, Encre whispering sweet nothings and the nature's melody.
(birds chirping etc.)

Encre picked up passive bridal style very easy since they are mainly just like carrying a bunch of bones, passive was fast asleep as Encre carried him inside a cabin.

What? Did you think Encre was gonna take him to *someones* Castle? Nope! Encre barely knows this person and does not want to put people he cares about in danger.

Encre carefully placed Passive in bed, trying not to make big movements as moving someone asleep can wake them up unless they are a deep sleeper.
Passive moved occasionally trying to get comfy in the bed, Encre went to the little kitchen in the cabin and started making some food for  himself and his new friend.

"ok l need-"

Encre was cut off as a little bird sat by his windowsill, there was a paper attached to its leg, Encre opened the window for the small bird to come inside, as the bird cam inside Encre took the paper of its leg.

"Encre, will you join me for dinner please?
-Votre amour"

Encre blushed at being his love, he got a piece of paper and a pen, he wrote a reply and sent the bird to send this back.

He watched the bird fly off disappearing in the trees.

He went back to cooking.


The king was going on a rampage destroying different Au's in search of his 'lover', everytime he didn't find his lover in the Au he would destroy it, although he didn't destroy it properly it was sloppy amateur work.

"Boss! I found him!"
The monochramatic skeleton yelled catching the Kings attention.

The king yelled his voice loud and sounded corrupted... More than Usual.

"he's in Vampireverse but-"


"He is hidden somewhere where searching for him is impossible, l know this because l found his coding but his coding started glitching as he started walking a specific direction."

The Kings appendages twitched and sharpened, he grinned sadisticly.

"Go get everyone we are going to Vampireverse."

The monochramatic skeleton nodded and teleported away.

"l'm coming my prince"

Author's note
No choice this time sorry😂

Oooooo the Kings coming for his Prince!
I wonder how this will play out.

If you have any suggestions you can go ahead and comment l don't mind.

-hanaki fox


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