Happy life

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~~Morning ~~
You woke up with the sounds of birds chrip..

You open your eyes..you see Tae staring at you..

you see Tae staring at you

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You almost scared me..you said rubbing your eyes..

He smiled..good morning baby..he said and pecked your lips..

Good morning Tae..you smile

I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you..you look like a baby when sleeping..he said lying down on the bed..

You blush..

Won't  you go to work today..you asked

I'm going but not alone I'm going with you..remember you are joining my company..he said

Yeah..I forgot..you said rubbing your temples..

You tried to get up..you felt pain in abdomen..you stand up slowly holding the bed..

Tae looks at you worried..what happened baby are you alright?

I'm fine it's nothing..you said going washroom..

He smiled...

May I join Mrs.kim..he asked holding your hands...

Not today Mr.kim..you said and rush to washroom and closed the door..

~~Time skip~~

You both went to the office...

You both went to the office

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As you both enter your office everyone stares at you both

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As you both enter your office everyone stares at you both..

Some started gossiping about you both..

Attention everyone..Tae calls

She is my wife Mrs.kim y/n..she is our new project manager..and I want to you all to give her warm welcome..he said showing you..

Everyone claps..and congratulate you..

And one more thing don't gossip around about us..do your work properly or else you know about me..he gives a warning

You look at him in surprise as you never see him like this before..

Baby come..he signs you to follow him..you went inside the elevator..

12th floor..

You follow Tae into his cabin..

Baby this is my cabin and next to it is yours

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Baby this is my cabin and next to it is yours..I've arranged everything...he said

He started discussing about new projects and walk to your cabin..you follow him..

So we are currently working on tech city..partnering with jin Hyung's company..I think you know it.

You nod..

I want you to take care of it..

I want you to take care of it

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Okay..you said entering your cabin..it was huge and it's as big as CEO cabin.

Tae it looks like a CEO cabin..you said wondering

Yes it is..it was my cabin before I became the CEO..he said

Oh..thank you for everything Tae.. you said

I'm not doing any favor y/niee..don't thank me..you earned it..and I want you to prove yourself..he said

I will Tae.. you said confidently

Thank you for reading my story ❤

Tomorrow is my birthday and Jungkook and Suga releasing STAY ALIVE tomorrow..

Tomorrow is my birthday and Jungkook and Suga releasing STAY ALIVE tomorrow

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I'm a lucky army..😍🥰

CRAZY LOVE (Taehyung ff)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt