Chapter 32 - Under the Moon

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We crept through the atrium down to the first floor. As we approached the daycare lobby, I asked Michael, "So, where would Moon's chip be?"

"The theater backstage," Michael answered.

"Ugh, I hate that place," I groaned. Michael looked at me confused.

"There were tons of endoskeletons down there," I explained. "I only managed to escape because I had a Faz Cam."

"But they're all so friendly!" Sun chimed in. Maybe they were when Vanny wasn't around, but now they're one of the worst things I've ever encountered here.

"No, they tried to strangle me if I stopped looking at them," I said.

Michael's eyes gazed down to the bruises on my neck. "So, they did that to you?" he asked, pointing towards it.

"Yes and no," I replied. At this point, the bruises the endoskeleton had given me would've faded by now, but since Freddy had done the same, my neck was still as black and blue as ever. I rubbed it, feeling a little embarrassed by my bruises. "I'd just really prefer not to go down there," I said nervously.

Michael pushed open the door to the daycare and sighed. "You're not leaving my side again," he said, "so you're coming down with me."

"Oh! I can watch Gregory while you go!" Sun suggested, but Michael shook his head.

"We should stay together as much as we can, so you're joining us, too," Michael said.

I really did not want to go there. I anxiously scratched the new bandage on my arm. The last endoskeleton I saw wasn't one that had attacked me, but was the one that was currently in my house. The image of my mom flashed before my eyes, and I started breathing heavily. Was that what they did when they finally managed to take hold of you?

I stammered out of nervousness, "I-I don't think I can face one again– woah!" Sunny had stuck his head through the gap between my legs and stood up properly, forcing me onto his shoulders.

"Now they won't catch you!" Sun said defiantly. I grabbed onto the triangles sticking out of his head to balance myself, and once my head stopped swirling I glanced around, amazed at how tall I was now. I don't think Sun realized he managed to stop my panicking, but I thanked him in my mind for it.

"We're so high up!" Bowtie yelled excitedly. I remembered how happy it was when it sat on top of my hat. I can only imagine its enjoyment from three times the height.

I finished collecting myself and said, "Well, you should know that the endoskeletons will try to grab you and stop moving once you look at them. When Monty and I fought them together, it didn't count Monty's sight."

Bowtie gasped with an idea. "Michael can look one way, and Gregory looks the other! You'll cover so much ground," it said.

"Yeah, and with that height, you'll be able to see the whole place," Michael said, looking up at me.

I still wasn't entirely convinced, and Michael could see right through me. "You've got a team now. It's not going to be as scary as before," he said, trying to reassure me.

"Right! Look what you've managed to do alone! It'll be so much easier with us by your side," Bowtie added. I was starting to feel embarrassed. This was getting too sappy.

"Haha! We're Gregory's guards!" Sun said happily.

"Gregory's guards!" Bowtie started chanting, and soon Sun joined, Michael hesitantly following as well. "Gregory's guards! Gregory's guards!"

"Okay! Okay," I interrupted them, covering my flushed face. God, I hope I'm never seen in public with them . I already felt humiliated around them, I couldn't imagine the feeling with other people seeing this. "Let's just get this over with," I sighed.

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