Chapter 10 - Bunny Hop

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"With this new voice box, I should be able to access Roxy Raceway," Freddy informed me. Freddy's voice was different from the new voice box. Either it was going to take some time to adjust, or he'd find himself a new voice. "Really? How does that work?" I asked.

"It's currently under construction, but it can be accessed through voice commands," he said. That's a whole new part of the building I will have to investigate as well. I wondered if there were any tapes or other clues there, especially since it's still under the works.

Freddy was helping me replace some of my bandages. They had gotten dirty from my trip through the sewers, and it was time to reapply them anyway. He examined the new wounds on my arm and leg from the cupcake incident.

"How did this happen?" he asked. "Chica's cupcakes became sentient," I answered. Freddy chuckled a bit. There was a twinge of sadness in his expression, but I didn't mention it.

I had told him what happened. I didn't want to recall it at first, but Freddy wouldn't let it go. He said if I wanted his help, he needed me to be honest. I told him how after we played Fazer Blast, she started acting weird, and in the heat of the moment her body was crushed by the trash compactor. I didn't tell him it was me who turned it on. I didn't want Freddy to hate me for what I did. I certainly hate myself for it.

I also didn't tell him about the tape I found. I wasn't sure what to say when I thought about that tape. It struck a chord within me, a deep sadness that I couldn't quite connect with. The kind of sadness that leaves you too exhausted to cry. That man looked so broken, I hoped he was doing better. The Sun tape must've been later chronologically, since he looked older when he built him. Things must've gotten better for him, or at the very least he managed to find some peace.

But I was curious about the rabbit I've been seeing around. When I tried talking about it to Chica, we ended up having a fight, so I thought to try dancing around the subject.

Freddy had just about finished patching me up. "Freddy?" I said. "Hm?" he replied.

"Can you tell me about Bonnie?" I asked.

That rabbit thing appeared earlier for a brief moment when Vanessa locked me in the office. At first, I thought this bunny I was seeing around was Bonnie, but after Chica's outburst, I was starting to doubt that they were one in the same.

"Why?" Freddy asked.

"I'm just curious," I said.

"Did Chica talk about him?"


Freddy sighed. "She's much stronger than me," he admitted, 'but if you really want to know... I think Bonnie and I were quite alike." I sat my elbow on my leg and let my chin rest on my palm, waiting expectantly for a story of some kind.

"Kids used to want to play his bass, but it was too heavy, so he'd hold it and let them pluck at the strings," he said. "One kid accidentally broke one of the strings, and got so upset with themself that they hid underneath one of the tables to cry under. Of course, breaking one of those strings isn't really a big deal. Bonnie would accidentally break them all the time. Monty breaks them too, it's just part of using an instrument."

"Anyways, the kid refused to come out, even after the party time he scheduled for was nearing its end. Their parents were yelling at them to come out, and security was about to pull them out from underneath, but Bonnie had an idea. He wrote on a note, taped the string to it, and placed it just out of reach from the table. It convinced the kid to crawl out, and when they read it they had the biggest grin on their face," Freddy said. He smiled as he remembered. "I asked him what he had written, but he said it wasn't my time to hear it. I still don't know what that note said."

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