Chapter 28 - Home

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"Let him go!"

Julie yelled from the doorway, Joel standing beside her. Michael was hugging me tightly, his hands gripping onto the back of my shirt as his tears made it wet. He pulled me closer, holding onto the back of my head and feeling my hair. He sobbed hysterically. The only times I'd seen an adult cry like this were during my mother's breakdowns. I could feel his erratic heartbeat pulsing from his chest. I just looked up at Julie and Joel, unsure of what I should do or say.

"Just... a couple more minutes," he answered between breaths, but Joel didn't give him that. He grabbed onto the back of Michael's trench coat and pulled him away from me.

"No! Wait, please, I'm sorry!" Michael called out, reaching out to me. I was frozen in place, still surprised by the turn of events. Joel constrained his arms until he stopped fighting back.

"We specifically told you not to do that!" Julie said, her fists clenched. Michael faced down. "I know, I know, I'm sorry," was all he mustered out. He lifted his head to look at me, and he swallowed back the cries that were forming.

Julie knelt down beside me and asked, "Gregory, are you alright?"

I didn't even look at her. I was too busy processing Michael standing in front of me. I couldn't believe he was in the same room as me. I didn't know if I really believed those tapes or not, but here he was, crying in front of me.

My eyes dashed around him. I thought my vision was going to get blurry from the shock and adrenaline rushing through. "Michael?" I said, repeating what I'd asked when he first walked in.

He nodded his head up and down sporadically, tearing his arms out of Joel's grasp as he touched his chest. "Yes, yes! I'm Michael!" he said. Now he was smiling, though there was still a load of anxiety behind it.

"So, you do know him?" Julie asked me. I looked at her unsure. I knew who he was, but I didn't know him personally. I'd seen both him at his most professional self, pitching his animatronics to the company, and at his most vulnerable self. I've seen him cry, I've seen him tear out his insides, and I've seen him attempt to end his own life, all behind the small screen in the security office. Now he was in front of me. I can see every detail on his face. I felt his heartbeat as he hugged me. I can hear his rapid breathing. It was all too real.

"Uhm," I stammered, trying to think of what to say, "I know his name is Michael." I probably could've said more, but there was too much running through my head. Michael blinked a few times, processing what I said. He looked around before he said, "I'm... I'm a good friend of your mom's."

Usually, when a stranger tells you that they're a friend of your parent's, it's a sign to run away. I didn't know if I considered Michael a stranger or not, but regardless I had police around me who would probably deter Michael from telling any lies.

Julie glared at him, but she didn't disagree with his statement. She got back up and said, "You two have a lot to talk about. But we have more pressing matters. Gregory, we couldn't find your mother, but we did find him."

"How?" I asked.

"He was at your doorstep when we revisited your house. He was looking for her, too," Julie explained.

"I came as soon as I heard you were gone," Michael said, coming closer and taking my hands into his. "I'm so glad you're okay... kinda," he said, looking at the bandages that had been wrapped around my bite marks and the bruises on my neck. I backed up uncomfortably and nervously laughed. I hoped he wouldn't ask me how I got these. I didn't know if I could tell him his creations were what hurt me, even if they were altered.

Julie sighed and said, "We can't keep you in the hospital forever, and Michael is, well," she trailed off, continuing her scowling at him, "mentioned in your mother's will quite a few times."

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