Chapter 3 - Nap Time

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"Gregory!" Sun grabbed my shoulders and leaned in close. "The hour is at its end! The hour is at its end! The power is gone, and Moon is coming!"

I couldn't focus. My eyes were darting around the empty void around us. My heart was beating out of my chest. "What?" I yelled.

"There is a flashlight, up there!" Sun pointed towards the daycare counter, but I couldn't see it. It was like he was pointing into the pitch black darkness. "Take it, and hide! Now!" He pushed me in the direction of the counter. Without thinking, I ran over and searched for the flashlight.

I couldn't see anything. All I could hear was Sun groaning and the sound of metal scratching the floor. I searched the whole counter with my hand while I listened to mechanical whirls. Eventually, my hand wrapped around what felt like a flashlight, and I immediately turned it on and pointed it in Sun's direction.

I was stunned. I watched as Sun's face retracted into itself. His triangles retreated into his head, and the smooth outline of the circle became clearer. His clothes folded inside out, changing its color, and his eyes rolled back, revealing bright, beady red eyes. His body contorted itself as he changed character.

He stood, slouched, with his head down. He took a step forward. "Naughty boy," a slow, mechanical voice spoke. His pace began to quicken, and I had no choice but to run.

I stopped looking at Moon and moved my flashlight to see in front of me. Even with it, it was incredibly dark, and I tripped over one of the toy towers. I scrambled to get back up, but I could hear Moon screeching, "Clean up, clean up!"

I had made it across the daycare, so I turned to look back. Moon was cleaning up the tower I had toppled over. I had some time to think before he chased after me again. Looking around the daycare, I realized there aren't many hiding places. There is, however, two massive play structures that are twisty and easy to get lost in. Maybe I can lose him there.

I crouched down and climbed through a blue tube. I crawled on my knees while climbing through the structure, looking for a good place to hide. I came across a thick cord that led higher into the play structure, and decided to use it as a guide so as to not get lost. When I made it to the top, I learned it was connected to a generator.

Why is there a generator in a children's play structure? I don't have time to critique the architecture of this place, but maybe if I turn it on the lights will also turn on. I flipped the switch, and while the light on the generator turned green, the room lights did not change. I looked through the holes of the play structure, and saw a red light in the separate structure. Another generator. Why are there multiple generators in a children's play structure?

I don't know how many there are, but if I manage to find them all, I might be able to turn the lights back on, and revert Moon back to Sun. But I had to act fast. I could hear Moon giggling to himself, saying, "Bad children must be punished." It sounded as if he was below me, so I couldn't race down to the bottom. Instead, I opted to look for the entrance of the bridge that connected the two structures together. With a couple of turns filled with brightly colored walls, I managed to find it, and ran through to get to the other end.

This structure was much bigger than the previous one. While climbing through it, I discovered things like bridges inside the structure, slides that lead into other places within, and fabric that dangle from the ceiling to act as a roadblock to slow kids down. I had seen the red light from the top, so I climbed to the top and found the generator. Just like last time, flicking the switch didn't turn the lights on, and simply turned the red light to green. I had to look for more.

There was another generator not far from this one. I simply had to turn and drop down into it. I flicked the switch, and moved on to the next one.

Moon was loud. I couldn't see him, but I could hear him moving, and he was fast. His body made noise as his limbs and wires moved, and the sound of his feet and hands landing on the ground echoed through the daycare. I could hear his endoskeleton tick as his head spins. I need to find the next generator.

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