Chapter 14 - Eyes of the Wolf

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"I see you've found another tape. Did you wanna watch it?" Roxy and I had made it to the entrance of Roxy's Raceway. I had found the tape below the breaker in the maintenance room, while the DJ was climbing through the walls. I stared at the tape.

"No," I finally said. "I'd rather hang out with you." Nearby was a table next to a concession stand. I left the tape on the table and turned back to Roxy.

Yes, I was curious as to what was on the tape, but I couldn't shake off the feeling that everything was about to get so much worse. It happened with Sun, it happened with Chica, and now, as we walked through the construction site, hand in hand, my heart started pounding. I think Roxy felt it too. She squeezed my hand tighter to reassure me. Our steps echoed through the raceway track as we approached the broken driver assist. Roxy was adamant on riding the kart, saying it'd ease my nerves. I wasn't really in any place to argue.

She moved her hand in front of me to stop me, and we both froze in place. The echoing continued. We weren't alone. She spun around and pushed me behind her. "Stay behind me," she said. I held onto the palm of her hand as her eyes darted around the construction. They eventually landed in an area full of unused props and cardboard cutouts of Roxy.

A white bunny's head poked out from the corner. Its eyes glowed a bright red, lighting up the tips of its ears. It ominously waved its hand at us, each finger moving separately, and it took a step forward, one arm staying behind its back.

Roxy used her body to block me from its view. "Who are you?" She yelled at it. It didn't answer. Instead, it took another step. Roxy looked ready to pounce. "Don't take another step closer!" she growled at it.

"I thought for sure you would've killed him by now." The voice came from the bunny suit. It was raspy and broken, as if it was fighting to breathe underneath that mask.

Roxy's mouth opened from a gasp. I'd never heard it talk before. "You're trespassing on private property. Get out," Roxy said. Vanny ignored Roxy's threat and reached out. "Give me the kid," it said, and behind, emerging from the shadows, was what remained of Chica. She was twitching aggressively and struggling to stand, her legs about to collapse from the weight of her body.

"What did you do to her?" Roxy's voice trembled. I'd never heard the animatronic's voices sound so scared before.

"Just some adjustments," Vanny said. It glanced at Chica, who was now standing beside it. She was taller than I remembered, and while her beak was still gone, her hands had been sharpened into metal claws. Her arms were thicker, even without any casing, and they hung down far past her kneecaps, almost dragging along the floor.

Vanny's head slouched down, and it turned to the side, its ears slugging behind. Its face was stuck in an unnerving smile. "Get her," it simply said.

Chica lunged forward. Her long arms extended from her elbows, and she grabbed Roxy's arms. She slammed her arms down, bringing Roxy along with it. Roxy shook it off and pounced at Chica, toppling over her. She looked back at me over her shoulder and yelled, "Run!" I did as I was told, but we were cornered. The other side of this room was still covered in piles of wood, and our only exit was blocked by Vanny.

Chica's claws dug into Roxy's face. "Chica! Chica, it's me!" Roxy said, but we both knew that wasn't going to do anything. Chica's head spun by 180 degrees, making a high-pitched static sound. "She can't hear you," Vanny said. It began walking past their fight towards me. Its hand that it's been hiding the whole time slowly came out from behind, holding a sharp butcher's knife. I had backed myself into a wall, and once Vanny was standing before me, it leaned forward and said, "Having fun yet?"

She brought the knife up in preparation to stab me, and just as she began to swing, her body was suddenly lunged forward. I ducked down, and she hit the hall with a loud crack. Behind her Roxy; she had kicked her into the wall. Chica was close behind.

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