Chapter 6 - Endo

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Freddy said he was almost out of power, and the nearest "charging station" would be down by parts and service. He said that the backrooms of the pizzaplex can get confusing, so I had to stay by his side while he guided us through. Since I wasn't inside his chest cavity, I had to hide from the S.T.A.F.F. bots littered around the area. When I asked him why I couldn't hide inside the hatch, he said, "I am... not myself when I'm low on power." I pondered what that meant the whole trip to the charging station.

We were down in the garages of the pizzaplex. They were complex roads that intersected together with lift fork cars that still had boxes on them. The road we walked on had lights above, but the fenced off tunnels were dark. "I don't like this place," I told him.

"We won't be here long," Freddy said, and he gave me a comforting pat on the head.

And with great timing, the lights go out.

I freaked out. Thoughts and memories of Moon chasing after me flooded my head. It only happened recently, but it was one of the scariest moments I've ever had in my life. I grabbed onto Freddy's arm tightly.

"No, Gregory," he said. His eyes lit up in the dark. "You have to run. Just keep going forward until you find the charging station, and I'll meet you there."

"I can't go alone!" I countered. "You will not be alone, I'll be right behind you. Go!" Freddy commanded. I took out the flashlight from my pocket and ran. What is it with this building and its lights just shutting off randomly?

I could barely see where I was going, but at least the tunnels were tall and I didn't feel as claustrophobic as I did in the play structures. I couldn't shine the light in front of me as the tunnels were so long that the light from the flashlight wasn't able to bounce off anything, so I pointed it at the walls. The horizontally painted black and yellow stripes made it difficult to see how fast and far I was running. I could hear Freddy's footsteps racing behind me.

Eventually I came across a wide room, and within it was a large red capsule with a blue lightning on it. This must be the charging station . I opened the lid and hid inside.

I had to stand on my toes to see through the glass window. It was dark, so I couldn't see much outside of what light the station made. And then...

Freddy fell. I watched his body crash to the concrete with a loud thud. He made no expression on his face. "Freddy!" I yelled and pounded on the door. Did he run out of power? He was so close...

What was more surprising than Freddy powering down was Moon by his feet. He started dragging Freddy by the legs, and while he pulled, he looked in my direction and waved. He brought a finger to his face, as if to motion to be quiet, and he continued pulling Freddy away. I wanted to get out and help him, but I couldn't do much against Moon. I could only watch as he dragged him away.

I stayed in the charging station waiting for the lights to return. I was hyperventilating, and I felt tears forming in my eyes. I wiped my face down with my arm and took a look at my Faz watch. "Freddy! Freddy, are you there?" I yelled desperately. My voice cracked while I was trying to push down the tears. "Freddy! Freddy please, don't leave me here!"

Silence. I fought the urge to cry and looked out the window. The lights flickered before turning on fully. When I couldn't hear anything outside. I opened the capsule and tripped on my way out. I had lightly scratched my knee at my fall.

I stood up and looked around. Right next to the charging station was a large door, but much like the ones in the security office Freddy and I visited, it was a vertical sliding door, and it was locked. There were large windows to the side, and I could see a bunch of spare animatronic parts and a large silver capsule, with Freddy inside.

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