"That's a dead giveaway." the girl whispered to Butcher, who snapped his fingers and pointed at the guy.

"Ice Princess."

"I'm not allowed to say." the man answered, looking around his colleagues "Anyway, she took a liking to me. It was heady, man. Intoxicating. No one wants to fuck the writer. Needless to say, I fell for her, big time."

Billy extended himself towards Hughie, allowing the girl to hear it too.

"What kind of nobber falls for a Supe?" he commented, making the kid look at him with a strange face.

(Y/n) couldn't help the snort that came out, getting everyone's attention.

"Sorry." she said, smiling awkwardly.

"Anyway, we were being intimate, when she climaxed and turned into ice. Just for a second, but I was still in there at negative 346 degrees. Same temperature as liquid nitrogen. As you can imagine, it snapped off." he finally said, leaving everyone to gasp around him "The crazy thing is, I still miss her. It's like, that's the cost of a mortal like me for being with a god like her."

"If a Supe done that when she was happy, imagine what one would do if she found out you'd been lying to her from the get go?" Butcher whispered, but loud enough for anyone to hear.

"Excuse me." the leader of the group said "Is there something you'd like to share?"

"No, no. Apologies. Please do continue the ice capades." he joked, making the girl beside him snort again.

"We don't make jokes or judgments here." the leader said.

"Of course, you guys are the jokes." the girl said, air leaving her nose, mocking the group.

"Why don't you two tell us about your stories?" she said, now a little more frustrated.

"Don't have one, just like to have a little laugh every once in a while." the girl said, shrugging it off and looking angrily at Hughie, who seemed shocked at her words.

"I'm good." Butcher said, his face now serious.

"You know, I've seen guys like you before."

"Oh, I seriously doubt that."

"The smirk, the jokes, it's all a defense mechanism. But you don't have to do that here. This is a safe space." the woman continued, smiling softly at the man.

"I said I'm good. Time to move on."

"Go ahead, Seth. Give him the stick." she insisted.

The man got up and walked to Butcher, who got up on his own and ripped the stick out of his hand.

"You, back off, or I'll shove this stick where your dick used to be." he said while smiling devilishly "You're a bunch of pathetic Supe-worshiping cunts. I bet you'd thank a Supe if they shat on your mum's best China." he turned the stick to the woman on a wheelchair "Did it ever occur to you that they split your spine or broke your dick just for a laugh? Where's your fucking rage?! Your self respect?! Sitting here in your little share circle. Having a little whinge and a moan. Fuck 'letting go'. You should be out there with a fucking chainsaw going after them!" he looked around him "Just a bunch of scared fucking rabbits." he dropped the stick, he walked to his chair again "Supes are all the same. Every single one of them." he got his coat off his chair and went out of the room, leaving Hughie and (Y/n) behind.

"Sorry." Hughie said, being dragged by the girl, who grabbed his wrist and brought him along when he was too stunned to walk.


After the strange incident, Butcher led the way, taking them to a park. He then sat down on one of the benches and waited for the two to do the same.

"What are we doing here?" Hughie asked, looking confused at the man.

Billy started smiling.

"My wife, Becca, used to hum the Spice Girls. Drove me around the fucking bend, you know. All day long, walking around the house, humming. She was happy. Now, fuck know why she was happy with me, but she was happy." he began, surprising Hughie and (Y/n), who didn't know anything about his life, so letting a secret like this get out was a big discovery for the two. His smile faded, swallowing dryly before continuing "Homelander raped her."

The two looked at him, the kid was shocked and the girl had a sad expression. She thought about grabbing his hand or shoulder, but maybe that would seem like pity. However, he saw the way she was looking at him and took her hand himself, holding it tightly as he felt her tense all of a sudden.

"Jesus." Hughie said "I-I'm sorry."

"Not long after that, she came and sat right here." he pointed at a security camera on a lamp post "I know this 'cause she got tagged in that security camera right there. She sat here for three hours. Didn't move a muscle. Then she just got up and walked away. That was eight years ago. And nobody's seen her since." he felt the girl tighten her grip on his hand "Either Homelander killed her or she killed herself. Same difference." he turned to Hughie "You see, I know what it is like to lose someone. You and me, we're in this together. For Robin and Becca. That is why you can't allow yourself to be distracted by another bird. Especially not a Supe." he sighed, turning to look at the birds flying around "Just remember who your friends and enemies are."

They sat there for a few minutes more, just breathing, understanding and grieving. It was kind of uncomfortable, but not on the level that needed someone to say something. At some point, Butcher got up from the bench, letting go of the girl's hand and fixing his coat around himself.

"Let's get going." Billy said.

As the other two got up, the man grabbed the girl's wrist, pulling her to stay beside him.

"Actually, go ahead, Hughie. I'll have a little chat with her." he turned her to him without even waiting to see if the kid was really walking away.

"What is it?" she asked, not really understanding what was going on.

"You gotta calm down, love." he said, taking his hand off her wrist and placing it on her shoulder "You're starting to act like the lad when I took you two to that club."

"I... What?" the girl tried to understand.

"You're becoming too eager to do anything that involves our plans." Butcher explained, sighing right after "Look, I get it, you're liking the thrill, but you gotta take it down a notch."

"Got it." the girl smiled, but she could feel her heart break a little "Let's go already." she turned to leave, but he grabbed her wrist again.

"I just want you to be rational and not purely emotional, as you have been for a while now." he continued, sliding his hand from her wrist to her hand, gripping it softly and passing his thumb slowly over the back of her hand.

"You're right." she smiled more truthfully now, gripping his hand back, letting go right after "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It's alright." he said, putting one of his hands inside his coat, he offered his elbow for her, like a gentleman would "Shall we go, my lady?"

"Yes, we shall, brave knight." she joked with him, earning a silly smile from the man as they walked back to their hideout.

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