Date with a Princess (1989)

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"Goodbye my love, i miss you.", with those words Ruzzo ended the call and left Frida on her hotel bed in Grand hotel Stockholm. With a sigh she put down the speaker and fell back on the bed, staring at the ceiling. What the hell am I doing, she asked herself. She had a loving man waiting for her back in Switzerland who adored her and put the world to her feet, yet she was here longing for someone else. Benny.
Frida took a glance to the clock on the nightstand. It was 10 in the morning, the june weather outside was sunny and welcoming. Her head was spinning as she remembered last night...

...the night before...

Breathing heavily Benny asked "How long are you staying? Is there a chance to see you again? I really would like to spend some more time with you."
Frida looked at him, speechless and overwhelmed with emotion. Benny wanted to see her again? Why?
"Please Frida, just you and me. As friends. We could go sailing like back in the good old days. You always liked that.", Benny tried to convince her with an agitated smile.
"Benny, i don't know if that's a good idea...", Frida hesitated. She wasn't convinced that she could pull herself together any longer if she was about to spend more time with him.
Benny realized that he probably wouldn't get an answer out of her right away, so he carefully put a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Okay, Frid, i will be waiting for you tomorrow at eleven by the docks. Just think about it, will you? You would make me the happiest. Until then, good night Frida and sweet dreams.", he gave her a light kiss on the cheek and left a puzzled Frida.


Even now in the morning hours Frida was still puzzled. She spent the whole night thinking about reasons to go or not to go and her thoughts went round in circles. If she was honest to herself she wanted to see him. She really wanted to. But she didn't know if it was the right thing to do. Benny was a married man, she was in a relationship with Ruzzo. They were divorced. She felt like a teenager sneaking around to meet up with her secret boyfriend who her parents shouldn't know about. She chuckled to herself in disbelief. Benny wasn't her boyfriend and technically they weren't sneaking around. They would meet up as friends and go sailing. And then what? What would they do as friends? Sharing anecdotes of good old times? Talk about their children?
Frida took a pillow and muffled up her desperate screams. It was a dilemma to either do what's right or what her heart wanted her to do.

In the end it was her heart that won the battle.

At the same morning, Benny was putting on his shoes back in his shared home with Mona. He got back late last night while his wife was already fast asleep only to wake up before her as well to prepare everything for his sailing trip with Frida. Every fiber of his being was excited. He was convinced that Frida would come. She had to come. He felt as alive as he haven't felt in years. Quietly he walked into his son's room to say goodbye to him. Ludvig was snoring lightly and Benny's features immediately softened. He loved his son and couldn't bare to see him suffer under his fever. He gave him a peck on his forehead and whispered "Get well soon my boy. Daddy loves you." and left the child's room on tippy toes only to bump into Mona.
"Gosh Benny, you scared me. I didn't hear you last night, did you come back late darling?", his wife asked.
"Yes and i am so sorry honey but i'm on the go now again. I have an important work appointment with Björn today that i totally forgot about.", Benny was walking past her to the front door.
"Wait, now? It's 7:30 in the morning Benny. Won't you at least stay for breakfast?", his wife was clearly irritated and he hesitated. Was he really sneaking away to meet his ex wife?
After a few seconds he walked up to Mona and gave her a kiss to soothe her.
"Yes, i am sorry but i have to leave now. I will make it up to you, i promise. Love you.", with that he left.
As soon as he sat in his car and started the engine, he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. He was actually doing it. He will meet Frida. Everything needed to be perfect, he just had to prepare the boat for their trip.

Benny checked his wristwatch. 11:23 a.m. She wasn't coming. Frida wasn't coming. A lump formed in his throat. He was disappointed. He spent the last hours getting his old boat ready, he even chilled whine. All of a sudden he felt ridiculous. What was he even thinking? Frida wanted to divorce him eight years ago, she had her prince charming waiting for her in Switzerland. Of course, she wouldn't come. And he? He was married to Mona, who was a great wife and mother. What a fool he was.
But somehow the thought of not seeing Frida today was a stitch to his heart.
Maybe he needed to get his head clear while sailing alone. After all, the boat was ready.
Benny frustratedly started untying the lines.

"You want to enter the sea without me?", a voice startled him. Her voice. Benny turned around and faced Frida. She stood there in shorts and a short sleeved blouse and her brown hair was slightly blowing in the wind. Her freckled face and her green eyes were illuminated by the morning sun. She was absolutely beautiful and left him stunned for a minute.
"Frida" - he finally managed to choke out - "You came." His whole face suddenly changed into a bright happy smile that was quickly reciprocated by Frida.
Benny, as a true gentleman, extended his hand to her. "Welcome on board, Miss Lyngstad", he winked.
Frida blushed and gently took his hand. An electric shock of goosebumps went through her whole body. "Thank you.", she gave him another of her sweet smiles.
Together they untied the lines and finally set sail.

Benny was steering and Frida sat behind him on the bench at the stern. The sun was up, the weather was perfect and excitement was in the air. It reminded them a lot of their shared past. They always loved to go sailing together.
"So where are you taking us, captain?", Frida asked cheekily and put on her big sunglasses. Benny turned around and smiled at her. Was she flirting with him?
"It's a surprise."
"You know i hate surprises."
Benny chuckled. Of course he knew.
"I promise you, this one you're gonna love."
"Okay, i trust you.", Frida smiled and laid down to sunbathe.

Once they left the harbor basin of Stockholm, Benny joined her on the bench and carefully lifted her legs to put them on his lap. Frida just gave him a short confused look but kept her legs in place. I didn't feel weird neither uncomfortable. She really enjoyed his presence. And here on that boat, out on the water, Frida felt like she left everything behind what's between them. Here on that boat it was just them. No Mona. No Ruzzo. Just Benny and Frida. Two...'friends'?

"I can't believe you've actually kept the boat.", Frida interrupted the calm silence.
"Of course i kept it. It's my baby.", Benny grinned.
"How often do you go sailing nowadays?"
"Never, unfortunately. Mona has seasickness. It's actually the first time sailing for me in years. And i'm glad i can share this with you. There's nothing better than going sailing with you." ,Benny was flirting.
"It's a lot like in the old days.", Frida agreed.
"Well, you do wear way too much clothes. Remember back in the old days you used to sunbathe in a breath of nothing.", he winked at her.
Frida's cheeks immediately turned crimson red and she felt a tingle of desire run through her body.
"Benny. Stop it. We are friends. And besides that nobody would want to see a woman in her fourties sunbathing naked.", Frida tried to ease the tension with a joke.
"Come on Frid. You are still absolutely beautiful. But i was only kidding, don't worry."
She couldn't stop the little smile on her face once he called her beautiful. What was that man doing to her?

For a while they just enjoyed each other's presence and the swedish sun, but then Benny got back to the steering wheel.
"We're almost there.", he said excitedly.
Frida slowly opened up her eyes and sat upright.
She instantly knew where they were. She would recognize this island out of a million.
Benny took her to Viggsö.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2022 ⏰

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