Chess (May 14 1986)

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It was an important night for Benny and Björn. Today was the premiere of their musical "Chess" that they have written together with Tim Rice. They have worked so hard on this over the past few years. And with it a dream came true for the two former ABBA men, as they always wanted to write a musical on their own. Funny it is that after everything they have reached with ABBA, broken nearly every record possible and having been on top of the top, that there are still things left that they longed to do. Everyone pursued their own career after ABBA, Agnetha and Frida published their solo albums and Benny and Björn wrote their musical. The four now had totally different lives, staying barely in touch with each other.

The "Chess" premiere took place in London and among Benny and his wife Mona and Björn and Lena, a lot of people travelled there to support them and join the most important evening of the mens careers for a long time.
Agnetha wouldn't come. They knew it. She was distancing herself from everything that has to do with ABBA even just a little bit. Therefore also from Benny and Björn. Well, especially from Björn. And besides that she was terrified of flying, so London was impossible for her to come to.

As for Frida, Benny didn't know if she would come. He knew that Björn had invited her and that she said she was considering it. He wasn't in touch with her, much to his regret. Deep down inside Benny was hoping for her to come. After all it was an important evening for him and there was no other person that he would like to share it with than her. And there was no other person that could calm his nerves like she did.

He was nervously fiddling his hands, when he suddenly felt a touch from his wife Mona "Benny stop that, it is going to be great, you'll see. This is your night, enjoy it", she smiled reassuringly at him. Benny just forced a smile and gently took her arm and posed with her for some pictures.
His eyes were wandering around the crowd searching for that special pair of green eyes. Searching for her.

I hope you're happy, but don't be happier (Bennyfrid)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora