Tivedshambo (January 16, 1986)

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"Would you like another drink, miss?", the friendly stewardess asked her. "Yes, a glass of whiskey. On the rocks. Thank you very much."
Frida was nervous. Well, nervous was an understatement. She was on the plane from Switzerland to Arlanda Airport in Stockholm to attend a TV show in honor of their former manager Stig Anderson where she would see him again. Him. Benny. After more than two years of not seeing nor hearing from each other. Will he be happy to see her? Was she even happy to see him? Frida didn't quite know. Part of her was of course happy because she missed him terribly and was excited to just hear his voice again. Sometimes she was afraid that someday she would forget what i sounded like.
On the other hand she was absolutely terrified. Terrified to go back to Sweden and even more terrified to see her ex husband again. Terrified because almost two years ago she basically left her home country in a hury and fled to Switzerland. And all because she couldn't stand to be close to Benny anymore. She couldn't stand seeing him being happy with Mona and his son Ludvig. Although she wanted him to be happy. It was tearing her apart. So she left. The more distance the better. But she never told Benny. She just left and never talked to him again. Maybe he was mad on her. Bullshit, why should he be mad? He is probably quite happy that she left him alone and didn't disturb his new family life anymore. After all he moved on quickly after their breakup and married a new girl just one week after signing their divorce papers.
Frida had not been to Stockholm since 84 and even now she was just staying for one night only and return to Switzerland as quickly as possible.
Some would say, she was running away from her feelings. But she wasn't running away. She kept her distance to make him happy. And Benny seemed happy. At least he said so in interviews and from what she heard from Björn.
And then there was another reason why Frida was so nervous to see Benny again. She had met someone. It was still kind of recent and she didn't really know where it would lead them to, but she was beginning to fall in love again. His name was Ruzzo and he slowly but surely was conquering her heart more and more. Frida actually had her walls up after everything she has been through with Benny, but with this new man in her life everything changed. Yet there was still a small part in her that kept her from completely letting herself go emotionally. That part was Benny. So maybe she had to see him again now to prove herself that she was over him.
But deep down inside she knew she would never ever in her life be over him. She would always love him. Benny was happily married to someone new, so why shouldn't she do the same and try to be happy again?
Her troubled and mixed thoughts about her ex husband and her new "love" were interrupted by the pilot: "Ladies and gentlemen. Välkommen till Sverige!" Frida let out a sigh and had chills when the plane touched swedish ground.

At the same time Benny Andersson stood in front of a big mirror in the hallway of his home that he shared with his wife Mona and their four year old son Ludvig. He was trying to fix his shirt collar but his hands were trembling because he was totally nervous. Not because of the TV show. Not even because they would attend it all together as "ABBA" again after some years. No, he was nervous to see Frida again. He hasn't heard from her in ages. Björn told him that she has moved to Switzerland now, but she didn't publish any new music or given any interviews. She just disappeared from the scene completely. It hurt him that she didn't even tell him that she was leaving. "Pff come on, why should she tell you? You are not part of her life anymore.", he thought and finally managed to straighten up his pullover. As he watched himself in the mirror he noticed that he had aged. Of course he had, he was now 40 years old already. A few years ago he always thought that he would grow old with Frida. That they would experience their first grey hairs together. Now he already had a few grey strands and Frida lived thousands of kilometers away from him. Benny wondered what she would look like today. Probably still as beautiful as ever. He instantly had a small smile on his lips when he imagined her sparkling green eyes. Will she be happy to see him?
"Darling, are you ready?", Mona walked up on him and put her hands on his shoulders and gave him a small kiss on the cheek. Benny was ripped out of his thoughts on his ex wife. "Yes, i am ready to go. Give Ludvig a good night kiss from me. See you later, dear.", he gave her a short kiss in return and suddenly felt the urge to get out of this house. "Goodbye, i love you", was the last thing he heard Mona say before he drove off to meet up with Björn, Agnetha and of course, Frida.

Frida was already in the studio talking and catching up with Görel. "Okay Frida, i will be right back. I hope the other three will be here by then", with that she left the room to speak to the tv team to prepare everything. Frida chuckled at her friends behavior. Görel always had bumbles in her butt.
The appearance of ABBA was a surprise planned for Stig. Nobody but her knew that the four would sing together tonight again. So everyone, especially Görel, was excited. Everything had to work out.
Frida started to look around the room when she suddenly heard the door behind her open again. "Well that was quickly!", she turned around and expected Görel to return. But immediately the world stopped spinning. It was Benny who stood in the door dead in his tracks. His blue eyes were piercing into hers. It was so silent in this room that you could probably hear their hearts beating. "Hi", Benny managed to choke out finally. "Hi", Frida replied. Seriously that's all that they came up with?
Benny slowly entered the room, his eyes never leaving hers. He began to smile. She has changed, her hair was now light blonde and she looked elegant, quite classy. Benny was mesmerized by her. She still had that charming aura that captivated him from the second that he entered the room. Frida also watched him from head to toe. He hasn't changed that much. Still, her handsome Benny. Although he has of course aged, Frida thought that she had never seen someone age better than him. He looked even more handsome now.
His smile was contagious and slowly Frida smiled back at him. And there they were. Two former lovers smiling at each other. The whole room around them was full of tension. But in a good way.
It was Benny who made the first move and walked over to her to give her a hug. It was a strong hug and Frida instantly relaxed in his arms and buried her face into his neck and inhaled his scent. Benny gave her a light kiss between her cheek and her ear and they just stayed like that for what felt like an eternity. Neither of them wanted to let go. "It is so good to see you, Frid", Benny murmured and the two parted a little to look into each others eyes again.
Their intimate moment was interrupted by Björn storming into the room, followed by Agnetha. "Hey guys, sorry we are late.", he exclaimed. Benny and Frida let go of each other and all four ABBA members happily hugged and greeted each other excitedly. It was so good to be back together again. Even if it was just for one night and one song only. The connection between them was still there and their bond was still as strong as ever after everything they have been through together. They were like family and nothing, not even time, would ever change that.

After they had sung for Stig, they took a few pictures with Görel and talked a little while. All of them felt great nostalgia. Every now and then Frida would notice Benny catching a glance at her. Agnetha was the first one to leave because she had to get back to her children. Couple of moments later Björn also got up and gave Benny and Frida a knowing look. Benny was his best friend and he knew that he wanted to be alone with Frida for at least a few minutes. He said goodbye to both of them with a hug and then left.
They were alone again. Frida didn't see a reason to stay as well and also got up. Benny suddenly grabbed her hand softly. "Frida please wait.", he dared to say and stood up with her and also took her other hand in his. Frida looked down at their intertwined hands and then up into his face again. "How are you?", Benny asked calmly.
At first, she wanted to laugh at this question. Was he serious? But then, she thought about it and honestly the question was quite sweet.
"I am good. Really. How about you Benny? Are you happy?", she asked back with a small smile.
"That's great. That you are good, i mean. I am happy most of the time as well. You look beautiful by the way.", with that he carefully put a strand of her hair behind her ear. It was just a small gesture but it reminded Frida a lot of them back in the days. He always used to do that. "Thank you."  Silence again. Both of them wanted to say so much more but at the same time couldn't.
"How long are you staying?" Benny desperately wanted to spend more time with her. He just now realized how much he missed her.
"Just for today. I am leaving tomorrow after breakfast. I have things to do in Switzerland. you know...", she didn't dare to tell him about Ruzzo.
"Oh", Benny just said and then gave her a short kiss on the cheek and let her hands down. "Then i wish you a pleasant journey. It was good seeing you again Frida.".
She blushed at his words. He still knew how to charm her. "Thank you Benny. It was good seeing you too.", she turned around slowly and grabbed her bag. She didn't want to leave. She hesitated a few seconds. Oh how much she just wanted to throw herself in his arms and kiss him. No Frida, he is married. And you are with Ruzzo. She lightly shook her head and walked over to the door. She already had her hand on the handle when Bennys voice stopped her "I hope you are happy. With Heinrich, i mean. Björn told me about you and him." Frida turned around and swallowed. So he knew. Could she see a hint of pain and jealousy in his eyes? No way.
"I am.", she just said and with one last glance at her true love, she left.
Benny stayed back in a room that suddenly felt like all warmth was taken away with her.

I hope you're happy, but don't be happier (Bennyfrid)Where stories live. Discover now