I came for you

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Benny stopped counting how many hands he shook or how many people congratulated him this evening for finishing his first musical. Mostly people that he didn't even know in the first place or people he simply didn't care of. He always hated being in the center of attention, especially nowadays when he didn't longer have the backing of the three other ABBA members. Frida always made him feel secure in interviews, just her presence used to calm him down. And of course Mona equally supported him in everything he did and didn't ever leave his side this evening, it just wasn't the same. He still felt like people around him were still judging him for choosing Mona over Frida and were quite offensive to his new wife which made him feel insecure in a way.

Benny took an inconspicuous look at his wristwatch. Only 15 minutes to go until the show would start. He heard Björn laughing with some guests. Mona next to him was engulfed in a conversation with Tim Rice's wife Jane. Only Benny felt lonely in that big theatre. His heart sank. She wasn't coming and it hurt him more than he ever expected. Maybe he should have called her himself than sending Björn ahead to invite her. He was a coward.

Suddenly a murmur went through the crowd and heads spun around to the entrance where a couple arrived. A handsome dark haired man dressed in a tux and hooked on his left arm a woman. A green eyed woman. Benny recognized her immediately even across the whole hall. He felt his heartbeat quicken. Frida captivated everyone, nobody expected her to attend the premiere of her two former band mates, particularly because one of them was her ex husband. Within seconds there was a gathering of people around the famous Anni-Frid Lyngstad and her companion, as it was her first official appearance with him in public. Prince Heinrich Ruzzo Reuss. Of course she had to find a prince, Benny thought. Frida was probably living her fairytale that came through. With a bright smile she signed a few autographs and warmly greeted people, never letting go of the man beside her and introducing him like he belonged there.
Through the crowd Benny was trying to catch her eyes, but couldn't reach them. They were so close to each other and yet so far away.

A gong ripped him out of his trance. The premiere was about to start. His wife excitedly hugged him and dragged him along with Björn and Lena to their respective seats in the lodge. With a last quick glance at Frida and Ruzzo behind him, Benny followed and soon sheer joy predominated. It was his first ever musical, written with one of the best authors of their generation together with his best friend in the world. What more could he ask for?

"Chess" was an absolute success. The crowd cheered and applauded for minutes and minutes. Benny and Björn were on stage bowing down several times, both with tears of emotion. It reminded them a lot of their concerts with ABBA. There's no feeling compared to being on stage and listening to people's applause. Among the audience there was one person that cheered the loudest and Benny caught her. Frida was standing, nearly jumping up and down out of joy, clapping hands like crazy. She was so proud of her two favorite men. Suddenly she caught Benny's eyes and immediately an even brighter smile (if possible) crept on her face. Benny's heart skipped a beat. In that exact moment there was just them in that theatre, all the cheering felt silent. He couldn't be more happy. Out of all people she was the one he was hoping to be there the most. Frida mouthed an "I'm so proud at you!" at him and he got it and mouthed a "Thank you" back at her. Their connection was interrupted by his best friend Björn who clapped his shoulder and handed him one of the microphones to dedicate a few words to their guests.

Two hours and many many interviews and congratulations later, the after party was in full swing. Everyone was laughing and having a good time. Benny was desperately trying to get a hold of Frida before she would disappear and return to her adopted home Switzerland in a hurry again. But Mona was sticking to him the whole time. And Frida was constantly engulfed in conversations and laughters, Ruzzo also always not far away from her. Benny got frustrated. This was probably his only chance to speak with her for a very long time coming. He didn't know when they will see each other again and he hated those circumstances.
Because the corner of his eyes was still somewhat focused on Frida he saw her walking up to the bar. It was now or never.
"Mona honey, i'm gonna get us something to drink. I'll be right back, okay?", he excused himself and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

He took a stroll up to the bar, happy that he made it without any interruptions of other people. Frida was delicately tapping her tender fingers on the marble surface, absent-mindetly watching the bartender preparing her martini.
"So you came", Benny stated close behind her. Frida immediately felt a tingle inside her stomach and turned around, her eyes catching his. "I did.".
Benny smiled. She looked gorgeous.
"Well, for a second i had my doubts that you would come. But after all you know how to make an appearance, Miss Lyngstad.", he winked at her. Was he flirting with her? Frida chuckled "Of course i would come Benny, i wouldn't miss this for anything."
"Your martini, miss.", the bartender put the glass in front of her.
"I'll have the same, please.", Benny ordered and seconds later they were clinking glasses.
"A toast", Benny said. "To what?", Frida nipped on her glass.
"To this very special night, to my first musical and that i can share this with you!", he flirted again.
Frida couldn't help her cheeks from blushing. He was charming as ever. She let her eyes drift over the crowd of people in the hall.
"You really pursued your dream. You and Björn, i mean. I couldn't be more proud of you.", Frida returned her face to Benny's and realized he was already gazing at her. "Yeah, it's quite overwhelming actually", he nervously scratched the back of his head. He always used to do that before performances or interviews.
"You're doing great, really. But please stop scratching your head, your hair will look tousled.", she giggled. Benny withdrew his hand and chuckled along. She really knew him like no other.
"You and Ruzzo make a great couple. He seems to make you very happy."
For a brief second Frida's smile shrank, but she quickly regained composure and answered with a bigger smile "Yes he does, he is a great man. And he helped me overcome the loneliness. You know, after everything that happened..."
Benny interrupted her "I'm sorry, really. If there is one thing i never really told you Frida, then it is that i am truly truly sorry for what happened between us. I wish i could turn back time sometimes.", he lowered his gaze.
Frida lifted his chin with her fingers and forced him to look back into her green eyes "Oh Benny, no matter what happened between us, my loneliness wasn't your fault. There are always two that belong to a divorce. And why would you turn back time? You have found your happiness, you have found Mona and you have a wonderful child. All we could do was move on. Moving on from ABBA and you and Björn did that with "Chess" and moving on from our failed relationship. And for the record Benny, i already forgave you.", with her warm hand she gently stroked his cheek. That has always been her display of affection.
Benny allowed himself to smile again. "Our relationship was never a failure to me Frida. I hope you know that."
"I do."
Finally, it took them more than four years after their divorce to lift that burden from their shoulders and come to peace with their past.
Benny and Frida shared a long warm smile.
"I should head back to Ruzzo now, he doesn't know anybody here.", it was hard for Frida to let Benny go again. Guess that will be like that forever.
"Maybe you should. And if he makes you happy, then i am happy too Frida. I'm glad you came tonight. You made me the happiest." and this time it was Frida who gave him a lingering kiss on the cheek in return. Benny turned around slowly to go back to Mona and the others.
"I came for you, Benny Andersson.", Frida said more to herself than to the man she still loved most in her life. But he heard her. Loud and clear. He had goosebumps all over his body in an instant.

Returning to his wife he was greeted with "Where did you leave our drinks, babe?"

I hope you're happy, but don't be happier (Bennyfrid)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat