When all is said and done (November 26, 1981)

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Frida was laying on her bed facing the ceiling of what used to be THEIR bedroom. Benny moved out and all he took was an ashtray and four pictures. It still felt like he took everything. He took the last bit of life out of this house. Frida felt like a part of her heart also left with him. Because if she was honest to herself: He will always have her heart and he will always be her true love.
She was constantly trying to convince herself that it was for the best. When you really love someone you have to let him go. And she let him go to find happiness with someone else. And that hurt. It hurt a lot.
Ever since their breakup, Frida didn't feel at home in their house anymore. Maybe because she had to accept that THEIR house was now just HER house but that was nearly impossible as everything and every corner reminded her of Benny or of happy moments they shared in this house. They have lived together since April 1st 1970, for more than 10 years and she felt empty and lonely. It was even harder now because usually her second home was Polar Musics studio. But even that place was not a sanctuary to her anymore because she had to see Benny there. And seeing him made her question everything. Did she really do the right thing?

Frida arrived at the studio quite late today again. That was now getting her habit because she was trying to avoid being alone with Benny. If she was always the last one to come, Agnetha and Björn would most likely be there already and she wouldn't have to talk to her ex to kill time.
She already heard Agnetha warming up her voice in the corridor and instantly breathed a sigh of relief and then opened the studio door.
Two pair of eyes slowly turned around.
You could hear a pin drop. Silence. Benny watched his still wife with a hurt face. She still took his breath away and he thought she looked beautiful. Yet he couldn't tell her that. He couldn't tell her anything anymore and he missed talking to her. Boy how he wanted to just get up and hug her tight and kiss her until eternity.
Frida mirrored his facial expressions. She watched him with sad eyes and could see right through his soul. She broke his heart and he was hurting and in turn it hurt her.
Björn couldn't stand the unbearable silence between his two best friends, he knew how hard it was to see your ex every day so shortly after a breakup. He has gone through it with Agnetha himself. Getting up his chair, he quickly walked over to Frida and gave her a hug to greet her and tear her out of the rigid: "Good morning Frida, it is so good to see you!" Frida received the hug and was quite thankful that Björn broke her gaze with Benny, she didn't know how much longer she would have endured it. "Hi Björn, i am so sorry i am late again...", she apologized but her bandmate just shrugged it off casually and gave her a reassuring smile "Don't worry, we haven't properly started yet Frid. Why don't you go inside  to the recording room to warm up your voice with Agnetha? Today we want to finish "Slipping through my fingers"!" ABBA recently started recording their eigth studio album "The Visitors" and it was harder now that both couples have separated. It was not fun and and a hobby anymore. It was work. Hard and dreadful work. Still they were all passionate about their music and desperately wanted to make it work and keep working with ABBA. They didn't want to throw away everything that they have reached so far.
Frida put on a forced smile and passed Benny, mumbled a very silent "Good morning" to him and didn't even hear his reply because she was so eager to get out of this room. When she finally entered the recording room, she quickly closed the door and felt relieved that she was not in the same room with Benny anymore.
Agnetha immediatley engulfed her best friend in a hug and stroked her back encouragingly "Oh i know what it feels like. But you are not alone okay? We can do this. We can finish this album. Together!"

"Thank you girls, that was fantastic! Good job today!" Björn announced over the speaker. Frida was a professional and really finished the song with perfection. But it emotionally drained her to see Benny behind the pane of glass the whole day. All she wanted was to get out of the studio as quickly as possible to go home. Well, to the house that used to bei their house and that used to feel like home but now was just four walls to her. Björn already waved them goodbye and was the first one to leave the studio. "His oh so lovely wife is probably waiting at home for him" - Agnetha remarked nastily - "Surprising...he never rushed home to me like that when we used to be together", Agnetha linked arms with Frida and wanted to accompany her outside.
Benny stopped them at the studio door. "Frida, i would like to talk to you for a second please, if you let me." Agnetha watched him suspiciously. Didn't he see that Frida was hurting and didn't want to talk to him?
"In private?" - he carefully added when he realized that Agnetha didn't make a move to leave.
Frida stood there in shock and was completely overwhelmed. She hesitated a few seconds but then responded firmly "All right, sure." and then turned to her best friend to convince her that she was okay. "Thank you Aggie, i can handle it."
Agnetha was not feeling well to leave Frida alone with Benny "Are you sure?"
Frida nodded "Yes i am sure. You can go home to your kids. Give Linda and Christian a kiss from me. See you tomorrow.", they hugged and Agnetha left.
It was now just Benny and Frida. Neither of them knew where to start. They just stood awkwardly in front of each other. Frida was waiting, already wearing her jacket as she was just about to leave and wanted to get over it as quickly as possible. She was brave enough to ask him "So, what do you want to talk about?".
Benny sighed "Well i don't exactly know how to begin honestly...", he was avoiding her eyes. "Benny please don't make it harder than it already is." Frida was nervous. Then, with a heavy swallow, Benny dropped the bomb.
"Well, remember what you said to me when we broke up? That you wanted me to be happy and maybe meet someone new? The thing is, well, i met with Mona. Just casually. You know, as friends. First. And...after you broke up with me, i felt lonely and heartbroken and i just wanted somebody to talk to. I just needed to let it all out. And Mona was there for me and gave me comfort. Believe me i didn't actually mean for it to happen. I didn't plan on it. But it just happened and well now Mona and I...we are kind of together. I wanted you to hear it from me first" Benny looked her in the eye for the first time to see her reaction.
Once he finished talking, the whole world stopped for Frida. She remembered her words. Of course she did. Every single word was burned in her memory. And now Benny's words were breaking her heart. The last bit that hasn't been broken yet. He found someone new. Mona of all things. Frida couldn't stop her eyes from getting shiny and with her last bit of self control she suppressed tears.
"Frid, please say something. I don't want to hurt you. You know, a part of me will always love you. But i can't help falling in love with Mona."
Falling. in. love. with. Mona. A single tear escaped Fridas eye.
"What should i say? I am very happy for you Benny, very happy. And i wish you both the best of luck." she managed to choke out. Her voice was shaky and then she turned around and rushed out of the studio. There was no air to breathe inside and she needed to get out. She needed to get away from him. Tears were streaming down her face. He found someone new. The love of her life has found someone new. And he fell in love with her. Yes, she wanted him to be happy. Guess she deserved that now. But she never imagined he would move on so quickly.

I hope you're happy, but don't be happier (Bennyfrid)Where stories live. Discover now