Chapter Thirty ~ Luke

Start from the beginning

"I don't see the problem here, babe" I tell her seriously. "A dangerous man who is quite possibly a murderer and part of a mafia family is hanging around the hospital where you work, I don't like it, so I dealt with it" I tell her.

"You dealt with it" she tells me.

"Yeah" I shrug again.

Suddenly there is a knock on the door, I turn to answer it and there standing in the doorway is Colin and Clayton, Helen's dad and her brother. "What's up, Helen's in the kitchen" I tell them. "Babe, it's your dad and your brother" I shout as they follow me into the house.

"Hey, daddy" Helen says softly as she passes me going straight to her dad and wraps her arms around his waist.

"Are you okay, baby girl?" Colin asks with a concerned look on his face. "I came as soon as I got your message" he adds before looking at me, his eyes going cold.

"The fuck you looking at me like that for?" I ask defensively.

"You upset my daughter" Colin growls.

"Are you fucking serious right now?" I growl quietly my gaze firmly on my pain in the arse woman. "Did she even tell you why she's not talking to me or did she just say I upset her?"

"Does it matter?" Clayton growls.

"Helen" I say softly trying to gain her attention but she ignores me.

I sigh heavily looking to the ceiling. "I've been working on a murder case with Saint, I can't tell you much but our prime suspect has been hanging around the hospital as his girlfriend is one of Helen's colleagues" I tell them and watch as their eyes widen. "Today, I rang helen at work when I found out he was there and I could hear the fear in her voice though she tried to say she was okay" I add.

"Did that fucker do anything?" Colin growls.

"No, but he knows about the baby now" I tell them. "I don't like how he's always lurking around and earlier today he implied that helen could get hurt if she wasn't careful, so I asked her boss to let her take her maternity leave early" I tell them.

"No, you didn't ask" helen hisses spinning round so fast her dad has to steady her so she doesn't fall. "You demanded it, and did you talk to me about any of this, what you just told these two?" She says gesturing told her dad and brother. "No, you didn't, I didn't have a say in anything"

"I'M TRYING TO PROTECT YOU, AND OUR DAUGHTER" I bellow fed up of this shit now but she flinches making me feel like an absolute shit. "Listen, I'm sorry for how I acted today, I really am, and I'm sorry I never talked to you about it all" I say softly pulling her from her dads grasp. "I really am trying to protect you, baby" I say cupping her cheeks. "Do you have any idea what it would do to me if you got hurt because of me?" I tell her.

"I know you're trying to protect me" she says as tears cascade down her cheeks. "But you can't shut me out and make decisions without telling me first, relationships don't work like that"

"How about a compromise" I ask her. "If I can tell you or if I think it's best to keep to myself if I think it would upset you would that be okay?"

"I'd rather you'd just tell me if you're allowed to" she tells me. "Promise me" she says holding her pinkie out.

"I'd take that if I was you, son" Colin chuckles. "My little girl can hold a grudge for years—trust me"

Trusting his word, I wrap my pinkie around hers. "I promise" I tell her.

"Thank fuck, can we go now?" Clayton whines. "I'm starving"

Colin rolls his eyes at us both before kissing his daughter on the forehead. "Be good, you two" he says as he shakes my hand and leaves the house with a moaning Clayton whinging about how loud his belly grumbling.

"I love you" I tell my girl.

"I love you too" she says softly.

"No more silent treatment, babe" I tell her. "I don't like it"

She chuckles softly. "You're not meant to, that's why it's called the silent treatment"

I go to reply to her when another knock is at the door. "Did your dad forget something?" I ask.

Opening the door there is our usual delivery guy, Joey. "Hey, Joey" I frown when I see a bag in his hand. "We didn't order anything"

"I did" helen says appearing from behind me.

"What about the sandwich you were making?" I ask her.

She shrugs taking the bag from Joey. "I didn't know how long it was gonna take to come, I didn't finish making it anyway" she says as she gives Joey a tip. "Thanks, Joey"

He grins taking the money. "Have a good one"

"You too" I say before shutting the door. "What are we having babe?" I ask as I jog after her.

"I got a chicken omelette with rice and peas" she says as she empties the bag. "I got you your salt and pepper chicken with rice"

I moan in appreciation taking my food from her. "You're the best" I say kissing her lips, once, twice.

She chuckles. "I know"

After we eat our food, I clean everything up when suddenly my girl stands up and holds her hand out. I take it without question. "Come on, you can rub my back in the bath" she purrs smiling seductively at me.

"Yeah, baby, yeah" I say mimicking Austin powers. "Get all shagadelic baby, yeah"

She shakes her head chuckling. "There's something seriously wrong with you" she tells me.

I shrug grinning like a fool. "You love it"

"God knows why" she teases.

"Right, that's it" I growl playfully spanking her on the arse before I lift her up bridal style running the rest of the way upstairs to the bathroom laughing as her cute little squeal echoes in the house.

Luke & His Runaway Love (Book Two Of The "And His" Series) (WIP)Where stories live. Discover now