Chapter 2 : First Outing

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After opening up to Naruto, Sasuke  had completely let his guard down around the blonde.

Everything felt so natural, Naruto still blabbered on about the most random things but now Sasuke would comment about how stupid he sounds while laughing at him openly.

Honestly, Sasuke wasn't the nicest of people out there, he was super rude even but even so Naruto couldn't help but find him so unbearably lovable. He was in too deep and he knew it.

During break one day, Naruto expectantly asked, sounding ever so eager, "Say, Sasuke, that movie I was talking about last time, the one with that epic gun fight trailer, it's finally releasing next week! I was wondering if you wanna go watch it together with me..?", 'Like on a date', he added to himself in his thoughts excitedly.

"Dobe.. Aren't you forgetting something very important? I hate going to places like that.. Too many people, can't handle it", Sasuke said looking as troubled as ever.

"Don't worry I didn't forget! There's a place that's a bit far from here but it's a pretty deserted area and the theater there only airs one or two movies so it's never crowded, we need to take the train but I've looked into timings that have the least people so it's gonna be okay!", Naruto explained sounding almost desperate.

Sasuke chuckled, "You really looked into it so well, you wanted go that bad?"

Naruto looked away, awkwardly scratching the back of his head, "well, yeah, I guess..", he wondered if he was busted.

"Alright, I'll be counting on you to keep me away from people when we go then", Sasuke smiled lightly.

"Heck yeah, you can count on me! I'll protect you with my life!!", he said confidently with exaggerated actions.

Sasuke laughed out loud but felt unbelievably safe nonetheless.

Naruto felt like he was falling in love all over again.

That day Sasuke told his family about Naruto for the first time and even though it wasn't someone who he felt physically comfortable with, his family was still so glad and happy that there was someone other than them who understood Sasuke and was welling to be with him dispite everything.

They were a little over protective and worried about his outing but knowing that his friend was there to protect him in their stead put their minds more at ease than they'd expected.

Naruto greeted them on the day of their outing, when he went to pick Sasuke up from his house.

Sasuke's family seemed to really like the blonde, way more than Sasuke expected them to.

Naruto was so considerate the whole way there, letting him take the corner seat and visiblly standing guard for Sasuke.

He almost felt like a princess being protected by a knight, and laughed at his own stupid thoughts.

The theater was way more deserted than they'd expected, so they basically had the whole place to themselves.

It was so much more fun than Sasuke thought it would be, even though it was just a movie that they could just watch at home too. It was his first time seeing it in a theater and it had so much more impact on the big screen.

Naruto couldn't have been more elated, seeing Sasuke look so visiblly excited and happy. He felt like all that hard work he put into that research while trying to find this place was all worth it with just this.

Everything was going so well - until they had to return..

Due to some technical difficulties, the train was delayed by an hour, that time slot overlapped with the rush hour that occurred one stop away from there's.

Since this station and few other ones on the way were not that crowded, it should be manageable, but this is worrisome nonetheless.

"It's fine.. If it's just for one stop I'm sure I can handle it", Sasuke tried to reassure him bravely but inwardly felt as uneasy as one could.

They've been sitting in one of the seats at the deserted station, waiting for the train to arrive for the past 15 minutes or so.

Naruto was seated with a considerable space between them, hanging his head low guiltily, "...I'm sorry, Sasuke.. If only I hadn't forced you to come.. ", he was starting to truly regret it.

"I would never have known how fun watching movies at a theater could be if you had not invited me, so don't you dare regret it... It was the most fun I've ever had and I'm truly grateful to you for bringing me here with you", Sasuke smiled, feeling genuinely happy from the bottom of his heart.

"Sasuke..", Naruto looked at him with an expression that was somewhere between feeling a little guilty and relieved at the same time.

"Also, didn't you say you'd protect me with your life? Where did all that confidence go off to now?!", Sasuke said sternly, while trying to cheer him up in his own way.

Naruto chuckled, frustrated and feeling like an idiot for being cheered up by the very person he should have been trying to reassure with everything he's got, he really was such a big idiot, "I will.. I will definitely protect you even if it's the last thing I do", he said, determined to do so no matter what stood in their way.

Sasuke suddenly felt so safe, that he himself couldn't comprehend the reason for it. He figured it was useless to understand his feelings when it comes to Naruto, the blonde always made him feel things that he never understood. But, they were all such a pleasant experience that he had no choice but to treasure it and so very dearly at that.

Naruto seemed to have completely recovered from his previous guilt, and was talking about the movie with great enthusiasm.

While listening to his excited talk and happily replying back now n then, an hour of wait had already passed by them.

The train was here now and they got on. Sitting at a corner seat with Naruto right next to him, he felt at ease knowing that the blonde was right there with him.

By the time they reached closer to their stop, it was starting to get crowded, there were people who began standing right in front of the seat Sasuke had occupied.

Sasuke flinched at every slight movement the person in front of him made.

Naruto couldn't bear to just watch him. He looked around and mentioned Sasuke to get up, politely asking the people around to make way for them, he led them to a less crowded corner right next to the door. Asking Sasuke to stand in the corner, he stood in front of him making it so that Sasuke would not come into contact with anyone around.

Sasuke looked at the blonde who was not that taller than himself, trying to shield him entirely from the rest of the crowd. His lips twitched to form a smile - really, it was unbelievable how safe he felt around Naruto.

He looked at the blonde in front of him with fondness that he didn't know existed in himself. Suddenly, his heart felt restless, beating so fast, he didn't know why but this time, he really wanted to understand why he felt like this.

Naruto was looking away from Sasuke, trying really hard to not get closer than he already was but it was starting to get more crowded than before. They were just one stop away now and it was the rush hour.

Sasuke was dazedly looking at Naruto when the blonde seemed to take a step forward, now standing as close as possible without coming into contact with Sasuke. He noticed that it was way more crowded now, and if not for the blonde standing in a way that entirely shields Sasuke from the rest, he really would have lost it by now.

"Sorry, I'll try not to get closer, are you alright?", Naruto asked worriedly.

Sasuke nodded dazedly, thinking how it's the first time they've been this close to each other. He always reflectively flinched away till now, but now...

Naruto was surprised when someone bumped into him from behind, and the little Space that he desperately tried to keep between was no more  when he tripped forward...

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