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Dear Journal and people reading this journal,

>Morning: 9:00
~•Im really sleepy bloke really sleepy so in gonna try to stay awake, but I know in gonna fail. I'll be back later because class is about to start.•~

>Night: 8:19
~•(╥﹏╥)I failed not trying to fall asleep. I need to fix my sleep schedule. I played Genshin and farmed for some talents books. I also started writing a chapter for my new book. I'm still writing and probably also gonna edit it, like what I'm writing right now is my draft, well more like I'm 50/50 so far with the chapter. Later or tomorrow I'm gonna go over what I have and then see if I want to like scrap what I have or keep going and just make small changes. I'm gonna go because dinner is almost done, so bye for now.•~

>Midnight: 1:04
~•Well I was gonna go to sleep until I had a burst of energy so I'm going back into to Genshin and farm for materials. So bye everyone and I'll write in you tomorrow.•~

-Signing off, Jamp

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