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Dear Journal and people reading this journal,

>Afternoon: 2:00
~•Hehehehe, I woke up at 2 again as you can tell I love to sleep in on the weekends. I haven't had anything to eat yet which I will do. Right now on a phone call with my friend just chatting and stuff like that. So I'm gonna write in you later when I have free time.•~

>Evening: 6:00
~•I was relaxing and then doing some school stuff. Then was on call with a friend and then they had to get off. I was also confirming who was coming to my birthday party. I'm gonna go play genshin now•~

>Midnight: 11:47
~•Stopped playing Genshin a little while ago and just got off the phone with a friend. I had dinner which was hamburger's hehehehe. I'm gonna go take a shower and do my face routine and go to sleep early, well at least before 2 in the morning. Anyways bye everyone and I'll write in you tomorrow.•~

-Signing off, Jamp

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