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Dear Journal and people reading this journal,

>Morning 8:00
~•I just woke up and let's just say I am tired, so I actually went to sleep in like 4 in the morning, I really gotta stop doing that. I'm gonna go make breakfast•~

>Night: 7:17
~•Im at my grandma's house right now but before I was hanging out with my friend. People took pictures of me because what I was wearing and it wasn't even that crazy but apparently to people here it was so crazy that they had to take photos. I know that I'm that stylish but you could've asked for a photo. Anyways I had a fun time with my friend, she showed me her parrots hehehehe. Yay! My b-day is tomorrow can't wait!! I'm gonna go since I'm getting a call from my friend, buh-bye•'

>Midnight: 12:08
~•Its technically my birthday Yay!!!! I got back home like an hour ago from my grandma's and I'm gonna go and enjoy my night. Anyways bye everyone and I'll write in you tomorrow.•~

-Signing off, Jamp

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