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Dear Journal and people reading this journal,

>Morning: 8:09
~•Sorry I didn't write or post yesterday it was my birthday and was busy the whole day. I just woke up and I'm really tired, I'm gonna try and make breakfast and a smoothie but I'm so tired. I'm gonna go for now, bye for now and I'll write in you later.•~

>Afternoon: 5:32
~•I slept like the whole day because I went to sleep late last night .·´¯'(>▂<)´¯'·. I woke up like an hour ago and was writing and is now eating food and is gonna workout soon while waiting for my friend to call me. Birthday party is coming soon and in nervous because the dress is body fitting and I don't like my body so ehhhh. I'm gonna eat since I have it right in front of me my food and my stomach is growing.•~

>Night: 8:57
~•Just on the phone with a friend talking about life. Gonna have to do that cat litter soon .·´¯'(>▂<)´¯'·. And then feed my cat's, they go insane when it's feeding time. I also gotta go into Genshin and do dailies. Looks like I got a lot to do, I gotta feed my cat's now.•~

>Midnight: 1:38
~•I'm gonna get off of Genshin soon. I'm then gonna go and take a shower and do my face routine and sleep. So bye everyone and I'll write in you tomorrow.•~

-Signing off, Jamp

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