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Dear Journal and people reading this journal,

I am currently writing this at like 2 in the morning, genshin ruined my sleep schedule (╥﹏╥)

My whole sleep schedule has been off, so I keep sleeping through class which is not a good thing. I even slept in lunch meaning I didn't eat anything but that's okay I wasn't really hungry.

A club I'm in the "teacher" wanted us to write an original anime and I'm great at making ideas, but my mind went blank. I got kinda frustrated so I just kept making jokes. I now have Oc's and a possible story to do, but I haven't wrote it yet.

I skipped my workout today ಠ_ಠ  I shouldn't do that and I was making so much progress. I kept doing it everyday and I missed today, now a days it's hard for me to keep a consistent schedule.

On the flip side I decided to FINALLY have a face routine, well more like get back into the swing of it. Been listening more to city pop and that gives me motivation to clean so that's good.

I've found Meiko Nakahara, I haven't listened to all of her songs but the songs that I really like are; ro ro ro Russian Roulette and Fantasy.

Anyways I think I'm gonna be signing off since I'm getting a little sleepy and that I should be sleeping right about now.

So goodbye Journal and people reading it I'll be signing off and I'll write in you I guess later on today (◡ ω ◡)

-signing off, Jamp

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